20100915 2 Svätojurský blesk

  • 7.1 km


  • 335 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 0 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 590 m

    Max height

  • 251 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

15.9.2010 Casovka z Neštichu na Malý Javorník do areálu SHMÚ (odtial skvelý výhlad, fajn viditelnost, v nížinách pred Alpami hmla - inverzia). Ešte od víkendu som bol dost unavený, nemal som si kedy oddýchnut. Nohy ale vcelku išli, hoci mohli aj lepšie. Na zaciatku po rovinku za 1. kopcom som sa snažil íst pomaly, aby som sa neodpálil. Záver na Javorník ma vcelku znicil, to stúpanie nemalo konca a bolo strmé, nemal som síl íst zo sedla, len som si na najlahšom tocil v sedle. :-D Výsledný cas 20:43min je taký "no, hmm", ale až tak si nestažujem. Avšak spokojný samozrejme nie som, ale to je moja chyba. Casovky nie sú mojou doménou (i ked co nou je... :-D ). By ma zaujímalo, ci niekto na MTB mal lepší cas ako ja, no to sa nedozviem...


15.9.2010 Time Trial of the Little Neštich Javornik to the area SHMÚ (hence the great view, good visibility, in the lowlands before the Alps fog - inversion). Ever since the weekend, I was tired, I did not ever relax. Feet but all went, even though they could better. At the beginning of the home straight for the first hill I tried to go slow, so I did not fire. Finally, the Javornik me quite destroyed, to the end of the climb had been steep and I did not have the forces to go from the saddle, I just spun the lightest in the saddle. : D The resulting time-20: 43min is such a & quot; well, hmm & quot ;, but so do not complain. But of course I'm not satisfied, but it is my fault. Time Trials are not my domain (although what is nou ...:-D). I wonder if anyone on the MTB had a better time than me, but that I find out ...





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