Savona montagna rocche bianche

  • 40.9 km


  • 691 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 706 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 651 m

    Max height

  • 1 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

pedalabile al 100% per i piu allenati e al 99% da tutti . . .si sale su asfalto da loc montagna , dopo il paese alberi da frutta prima dello sterrato . . rifornimento . . poi salita x venti minuti sino a costeggiare la faggeta e spiana per 5 minuti , seconda salita si sbuca dalle rocche bianche quota 600mt, discesa dai mitici 5 ponti , sempre insidiosa se si va veloci .rientro loc montagna partenza da corso ricci savona, per chi viene da fuori conviene parcheggiare a quiliano o valleggia, si sale da loc montagna sino alle rocche bianche e si scende dai 5 ponti . . rientro sempre da loc montagna . . in stagione more , prugne , fichi e altri frutti a meta prima salita !!!

pedaled at 100% for the most trained and 99% by all. . .si salt on asphalt from loc mountain, after the country's fruit trees before the dirt road. . refueling. . x then climb up to twenty minutes walk along the beech and paves for 5 minutes, the second climb you will come out from the bobbins white altitude 600m, descent from the legendary 5 bridges, more insidious if you go fast .rientro loc mountain departing from Savona curly course, for those who comes from outside the best park in quiliano or Valleggia, climb up to the mountain fortresses from loc white and you will go from 5 decks. . loc always return to the mountain. . in season blackberries, plums, figs and other fruits in half first ascent !!!




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