Lanterna - Porec - Sv. Lovrec - Dvigrad - Kanfanar - Limski kanal

  • 96.5 km


  • 803 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 797 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 296 m

    Max height

  • 3 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

OFF-ROAD parts - suitable for mountain bikes - treking bikes at your own risk Pot je primerna za gorska kolesa, ker sem kar nekaj delov poti iskal in prevozil po makadamskih in "gozdnih" potkah. Prav tako makadamski je spust iz Kanfanara v Limsko dolino ter pot do obale. Del poti poteka po prometno bolj obremenjenih cestah tako, da se priporoca še dodaten pozor. Narava v Limski dolini je zelo lepa tako, da se splaca narediti ta krog ter uživati. Pot se veckrat križa tako, da jo tisti z manj kondicije lahko tudi skrajšajo. Ce kom ne diši vzpon v Kanfanar in ponovni spust lahko po ogledu Dvigrada zavije nazaj proti morju.   Še uradni opis:  Dvigrad Arheološko podrucje srednjevjekovnog grada Dvigrada najvažnije je kulturno dobro cijelog podrucja Opcine Kanfanar te zasigurno i najposjecenije, te na odredeni nacin predstavlja temelj kulturnog identiteta ovog podrucja. Samo naselje, smješeno na koti 150-175 m.n.v., zapravo je jedinstven grad, iz povijesnih izvora poznat kao Moncastel, koji se još od spominje zajedno s kaštel Parentinom kao Duo Castra, Due Castelli, Dvegrad. Nakon propasti kaštel Parentina, ovom naselju ostaje zajednicki naziv, kojeg ce zadržati do današnjih dana. Linija širenja naselja, od kasnoantickog praesidiuma s vanjskim bedemom na tragu prapovijesne gradine, zadržava se i kroz ranobizantsko razdoblje stvaranjem castruma, izduženog oblika s tupim kutevima na longitudinalnim stranama. Izvjesno je da je Moncastel graden kao predstraža u ageru kolonije Pula, te je u pocetku izvorno pripadao Puljskoj biskupiji, ali vec od 929.g. zasigurno pripada Poreckoj biskupiji. Drugu fazu proširenja naselje doživljava u vrijeme vladavine akvilejskih patrijarha, u što se ubraja proširenje fortifikacija, veci dio naselja, romanicka i gotizirana faza crkve sv.Sofije i pretorova palaca. Trecu fazu proširenja i dodatnog utvrdivanja naselja može se smjestiti nakon razaranja od strane genovežana 1354.g., i Venecije 1381.g., provedenu od Venecije kao novog vlasnika (nakon 1413.g.), pocetkom Tijekom 15.i može govoriti o proširenju suburbija do crkve BDM od Lakuca, i tu otprilike završava prostorni razvoj Dvigrada kao naselja. Crkva sv.Sofije je najreprezentativniji pojedinacni objekt u podrucju, s cetiri utvrdene razvojne faze (kasnoanticka - 5./, predromanicka 8 st.-770.g., romanicka, goticka 14./ U svom sadašnjem korpusu, poglavito nosi obilježja rane romanicke trobrodne bazilike s uzidanim apsidama, ali su istraživanjima otkriveni ostaci manjih prethodnih crkvi (jednobrodna s izbacenom apsidom u kasnoj antici, jednobrodna s tri upisane apside u predromanici). Zvonik i krstionica nastali su potkraj romanickog razdoblja (1249.g.), a u gotici je dodana bocna sakristija i izmijenjen je mobilijar, od cega posebno treba spomenuti krstionicu iz O Dvigradu su mnogi pisali a mi smo za Vas odabrali tekst akademika Josipa Bratulica: Malo ima tako lijepih i uzbudljivih mrtvih gradova u neposrednom susjedstvu naseljenih mjesta, kao što je Dvigrad u Istri. Postoje brojne ruševine kula, kaštela i gradina, ali samo jedan je Dvigrad - on nije srušen vojnom silom ni ognjem, vec je napušten da sam proživljava svoje umiranje. Prolaznicima na opomenu, a posjetiocima koji mu dolaze kao gosti na spoznaju kako su jednom izgledali istarski srednjovjekovni gradovi. Povijest Dvigrada obicno oko vidi u njenoj konacnici: ruševinama. Ali upravo te ruševine, to golemo kamenje želi namjerniku govoriti svoju pricu. Dvigrad je smješten u Drazi - dubokoj udolini koja se od Pazina proteže do mora, gdje završava u morskom kanalu - Limu. Lim je bio limes, granica izmedu puljskog i poreckoj agera. U predhistoriji kao i u antici Dragom je vodio put od mora prema unutrašnjosti Istre. Dvigrad - i sama rijec govori - to su dva grada. Danas je vidljiv samo jedan, na sjevernoj strani u Drazi, a i taj u ruševinama. Drugi grad, s južne strane, nazvan Parentin danas se uopce ne vidi - ostao je samo zaravnak. Dvigrad je postojao vec u prethistoriji, i njegovu povijest možemo pratiti i prema arheološkim nalazima i kasnije prema pisanim dokumentima. U okviru rimske provincije Istre Dvigrad je na granicnom podrucju puljskog i poreckog agera. Bio je na odlicnom mjestu, na sjecištu puteva. Arheološki nalazi govore da je mjesto cvalo dok je rimsko carstvo napredovalo, a kad je ono nestalo udarcima barbarskih naroda, i gradovi su se poceli osipati, osobito nakon teških i opakih bolesti koje su na nezdravom terenu, kakav je bio i Dvigrad, ceste i pogubne. Nakon velikog pomora stanovništva Istre u VI. i VII. st. na istarski se prostor spušta novo stanovništvo - Slaveni, Hrvati. Državna uprava još nije organizirana, a i zemlja je zapuštena. U to vrijeme zapuštenu zemlju kultiviraju benediktinci koji su upravo oko Lima ostavili traga u ranom srednjem vijeku. Dolazi do oštrih i bezpoštednih borbi izmedu akvilejskih patrijarha i Mlecana koji su pocetkom XIV. st. vec imali snažan utjecaj na zapadnoj obali Istre. U tu borbu uplice se i poznata obitelj puljskih plemica Castropola, na strani Gorickih knezova kao patrijarhovih odvjetnika. U borbama izmedu Ðenovežana i Mlecana, Dvigrad je opsjedao denoveški admiral Paganin Doria i razorio ga 1354. godine. U daljnjim borbama Dvigrad je ponovno nastradao 1381., sada od Mlecana, koji su ga spalili, stanovništvo poklali, a moci iz bazilike Sv. Sofije odnijeli u Sveti Lovrec Pazenaticki. Unatoc tome Dvigrad nije postao njihov posjed. Zaokružujuci sustavno svoj istarski posjed Mlecani su obecavanjima i silom, vec pocetkom XV. st., nastojali sve vece i jace istarske gradove podvesti pod svoj utjecaj. Dvigrad je postao mletackim posjedom 1413. godine kada je Venecija odredila da na celu Dvigrada stoji podeštat, izabran izmedu plemica grada Kopra, a kome ce grad kao godišnju nagradu davati 390 lira. Prvo stoljece mletacke uprave vrijeme je uspona Dvigrada: nakon toga dolazi do cestih kuga, stalnih malarija, što je i uzrokovalo tragican pomor stanovništva, a s tim u vezi i smjene cjelokupnog stanovništva Dvigrada. Od sredine 1544. do kraja stoljeca stalni su sukobi izmedu Mlecana i Austrijanaca. Stanovništvo Istre nesigurno je i u selima i u gradovima. Nakon mletacko-austrijskog rata 1615. godine tkz. uskockog rata, Dvigrad je doživio teške dane. Opsjedaju ga razjareni uskoci koj, ne mogavši ga osvojiti, osvetu okrecu prema okolnim selima koje pale, robe i uništavaju. Oko 1630. grad je posve napušten, u njemu borave samo najsiromašnije porodice, cekajuci smrt grada koji ih okružuje. 1650. biskup Tommasini posjetio je Dvigrad i tu našao samo tri obitelji. Kad je 1714. napuštena bazilika Sv. Sofije, grad je prepušten umiranju bez priziva. Zidovi kuca su se srušili, zidine popadale, bunar u gradu bio je zagaden. U grad su se uselile zmije, korov i makija. Tako je do danas. U Dvigrad ulazimo kroz gradska vrata koja i danas stoje, te stižemo u potgrade koje je bilo zašticeno prvim pojasom gradskih zidina. Putem, kojim su stoljecima prolazili Dvegrajci, kako ih zove Istarski razvod, stižemo do drugih vrata koja su izgradena u drugom prstenu gradskih zidina. Tako se i ulazilo u grad: od vrata do vrata. Uz golemu branic-kulu s južne strane grada penjemo se putem koji nas vodi do trecih, posljednjih vrata, koja nas konacno puštaju u samo središte grada. Na vrhu, na živoj stijeni sagradena je ranokršcanska crkva Sv. Sofije. Crkva je dominirala gradom svojom visinom, širinom i ljepotom. Crkva je imala tri lade, a u sredini oslonjena na stupovlje srednje lade, bila je u XIII. ili XIV. st. izgradena propovjedaonica koja ima lijepe reljefe na ogradi, od kojih se posebno istice onaj sa Sv. Sofijom koja u svakoj ruci drži po jedan grad. To je simbol Dvigrada. Bazilika se pocetkom XIX. st. urušila, propao je krov i od toga vremena zub vremena dokrajcio je ovu velicanstvenu gradevinu. Na kraju, pitanje je samo dokle ce još ovaj minuli grad svjedociti vremenu, koliko mu još treba do konacne propasti...

OFF-ROAD parts - suitable for mountain bikes - trekking bikes at your own risk Pot is convenient for Mountain bike, ker sem kar nekaj Delov encourage relief from my prevozil in the gravel in the & quot; of raw & quot; Horseshoe. Rightly so gravel is downhill from the valley Kanfanara v Lim ter pot to coast. Del encourage originated by traffic bolj obremenjenih so often, that priporocate ber dodaten attention. Narava v Lim valley is so beautiful Zelo, to splaca order that Krog ter enjoy. Pot veckrat cross so that even tisti z is less than fitness easily tudi skrajšajo. Pc will not breathe vzpon v Kanfanar in lowered again easily by trial Dvigrad wrapped nazaj against morju. & Nbsp; Ber Uradni description: & nbsp; Dvigrad archaeological site of the medieval town Dvigrad importantly the cultural heritage of the whole territory of the municipality Kanfanar and certainly the most visited, and in some way is the foundation of their cultural identity. The settlement, irony, at a level of 150 to 175 m above sea level, is actually a unique city, from historical sources known as Moncastello, also from the 9th-10th century mentioned together with the castle as PARENTINO Duo Castro, Due Castelli, Dvegrad. After the fall of the castle Parentines, this settlement remains a common name, which will retain the present day. Line expansion of settlements, from late antiquity praesidium with the outside wall on the trail of prehistoric ruins, and maintains the early Byzantine period, creating a castrum, elongated shape with a blunt angles to the longitudinal sides. It is clear that the Moncastello-built as an outpost in Pula ager colonies, and was initially originally belonged Puljskoj diocese, but already the 929.g. certainly belongs to the diocese of Porec. The second phase of expansion of settlement experiences during the reign of the Patriarch of Aquileia, which also include the extension of the fortifications, the greater part of the settlement, Romanesque churches and gothicized phase sv.Sofije and Pretoria palace. The third phase of expansion and additional determination of the settlement can be placed after the destruction by Genoese 1354.g., and Venice 1381.g., conducted from Venice as the new owner (after 1413.g.), early 15th century During the 15th and 16th century can talk about the expansion of suburbia to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lakuc, and that about ends spatial development Dvigrad as settlements. Church sv.Sofije a representative individual objects in the field, with four determined developmental stages (Late Roman - 5th /, Pre-Romanesque St. 8-770.g., 12th century Romanesque, Gothic 14th / .). In its current corpus, especially the characteristics of early Romanesque basilica with built-apses, but research uncovered the remains of previous smaller church (nave with an apse ejected in late antiquity, a single nave with three apses inscribed in preRomanesque). The bell tower and baptistery were created at the end of the Romanesque period (1249.g.), in Gothic style was added sacristy side and changed the furniture, of which one must mention baptismal font from the 14th century About Dvigrad many written and we are here for you select text academics Joseph BRATULIC: Few have such a beautiful and exciting cities of the dead in the immediate vicinity of populated areas, such as Dvigrad in Istria. There are numerous ruins of towers, castles and forts, but only one is Dvigrad - It was not destroyed by military force or by fire, but was abandoned to undergo its dying. Passers-by to warn, and to its visitors as guests of how they once looked Istrian medieval towns. History Dvigrad is usually seen in its remains ruins. But it is precisely these ruins, this large stones long to his story. Dvigrad is situated in Draga - a deep valley that stretches from Pazin to the sea, ending in a sea channel - Lim. Lim was the limit, the boundary between Pula and Porec ager. In prehistoric times and in antiquity Drago has led the way from the sea to the inland area. Dvigrad - as its name implies - the two cities. Today, the only visible one, on the north side in Draga, and it is in ruins. Another city, on the southern side, called Parentin today do not even see - there was only the plateau. Dvigrad already existed in prehistoric times, and its history can be traced through archaeological finds and later through written documents. As part of the Roman province of Istria Dvigrad the border area Pula and Porec ager. He was in a great place at the intersection of roads. Archaeological finds indicate that the site flourished until the Roman Empire prospered, and when it disappeared shock barbarian peoples, and cities have started to fall apart, especially after a tough and nasty diseases that are unhealthy, such as the Dvigrad, roads and devastating . After the great plague of the population of Istria in the sixth. and VII. c., on the Istrian space down new residents - Slovenes and Croats. State administration has not yet been organized, and the country is neglected. In this neglected land cultivated Benedictines who have just about Lim in the early Middle Ages. Comes fought fiercely fighting between the Patriarch of Aquileia and Venice who are at the beginning of the XIV. century. already had a strong influence on the western coast of Istria. In this struggle are influenced by famous aristocratic family from Pula Castropols, Gorizia princes as the patriarch's attorney. The battles between the Venetians and Ðenovežana, Dvigrad obsessed denoveški Admiral Doria Paganini and destroyed by 1354. In further fighting Dvigrad again sank in 1381, far from the Venetians, who had burned, the population slaughtered, and the power of the Basilica of St.. Sophia, who controlled the Pollagh Pazenaticki. Nevertheless Dvigrad not become their possession. Systematically your Istrian estate Venetians are promising and force, in the early fifteenth. century. sought bigger and stronger Istrian towns brought under its influence. Dvigrad became Venetian possessions in 1413, when Venice was determined that the entire Dvigrad says Podesta, selected from aristocratic town of Koper, and to whom will the city as an annual award given 390 lire. First century Venetian rule during the ascent Dvigrad: after that the frequent sickness, permanent malaria, which is caused tragic mortality rate, in this regard, and shift the whole population Dvigrad. From mid-1544 until the end of the century are constant conflicts between the Venetians and Austrians. The inhabitants of Istria insecure in their villages and towns. After the Venetian-Austrian war in 1615, so-called. Uskok War, Dvigrad has seen tough days. Besieged by the fierce uskoci who, being unable to capture, revenged themselves on the surrounding villages burning, plundering and destroying. Around 1630 the town was completely deserted, stay in it only the poorest families, waiting for the death of the city that surrounds them. 1650 Bishop Tommasini visited Dvigrad, finding only three families. When in 1714 abandoned the Basilica of St.. Sofia, the city is left to its inexorable. The walls were demolished, the walls collapsed, the well in the city was polluted. The city had moved snakes, weeds and underbrush. That is until today. Dvigrad enter through gates that still stand, and arrive in potgrade which was protected by the first city walls. Along the way, which through the centuries Dvegrajci, as they called Istrian divorce, we come to the second gate, built in the second ring of the city walls. So the entrance of the town: door to door. With a huge guard tower on the south side of the city climb the path that leads us to the third, the last door, that we finally reach the center of town. At the top, the bedrock was built in the early Christian church of Sv. Sofia. It dominated the town its height, width and beauty. It had three aisles, and in the middle resting on pillars of the middle of the nave, was in XIII. or XIV. century. built a pulpit that has beautiful reliefs on the fence, of which a very important one with the St. Sofia that in each holding one city. It is a symbol of Dvigrad. Basilica at the beginning of the XIX. century. collapsed, collapsed roof and from that time the ravages of time he finished off this imposing structure. In the end, the only question is how long will this still passed the city to witness the time, how much more should the final collapse ... & nbsp;




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