Walchensee - Reutte

  • 93.4 km


  • 1711 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1638 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1523 m

    Max height

  • 718 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

Od Reutteja do Mittenwalda nic pretresljivega. Center mesta vreden ogleda. Simpaticno in urejeno. Tu smo izbrali pot "cez hribe". Kombinacija kolovoza na zacetku, asfaltne ceste v nadaljevanju in utrjenega makadama. Kljub Garminu rahlo zašli s poti, a kljub vsemu pripeljali do grašcine Elmau. Precej fascinantno mondeno zdravilišce "sredi nicesar". Naprej po utrjenih kolovozih (prepovedano za avtomobile) proti Garmischu. Cudovita pokrajina z najvišjim vrhom Nemcije v ozadju. Spust proti skakalnemu centru po krasnih 32%! Nekaj sto metrov izziva za stare kozle! Po Garmischu prijeten dvig proti nemški spodnji postaji gondole na Zugspitze in na makadamsko cesto do prelaza/meje z Avstrijo na 1523 m. Luškana koca z dobrim štrudlom. Asfaltiran spust proti spodnji postaji avstrijske gondole na Zugspitze. Izjemno lepo speljana ozka gorska cesta. Sledi glavna cesta do kraja Reutte - velja poizkati manj prometno opcijo ...


From Reutteja to Mittenwald nothing shocking. The city center is worth a visit. Sympathetic and tidy. Here we have chosen the path & quot; over the hill & quot ;. The combination of the dirt track at the beginning, asphalt road below and compacted unpaved. Despite the Garmin slightly stray from the path, but nevertheless led to the mansion Elmau. Quite fascinating cosmopolitan & quot; & quot middle of nowhere ;. Next the beaten tracks (forbidden for cars) to Garmisch. Beautiful landscapes with the highest peak of Germany in the background. Show downhill towards the center of the great 32%! A few hundred meters to challenge old kid! After Garmisch pleasant rise against the German lower station of the cable car to Zugspitze and the macadam road to the pass / Austrian border at 1523 m. Cute cottage with good štrudlom. Paved descent to the lower station of the Austrian cable car to Zugspitze. Extremely nice runs narrow mountain road. Follow the main road to the site of Reutte - applies poizkati road less an Option ...





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