20100327 XC Langenlois - prehliadka trate Elite

  • 13 km


  • 445 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 441 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 350 m

    Max height

  • 208 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

27.3.2010 Plán bol jasný - íst si zapretekat na XC Langenlois v rakúskom Zoebingu. Z BA sme vyrážali kúsok pred 9:00. Šli sme po okreskách, najmä vo Viedni sme sa zdržali. Potom ešte na benzínke, kde som musel tankovat. No kedže neviem po nemecky, nedošiel som na to, že treba najprv stlacit tlacítko "budem platit pri kase" a až potom sa odblokuje "pištol". Naštastie som sa šiel opýtat a 1 zákazník vedel po anglicky (predavacka "negavarila pa anglijski"). Do miesta pretekov, Zoebingu (1km severne od väcšieho Langenloisu), sme dorazili kúsok po 12:00. Pricom ja som mal štartovat o 12-tej. Od auta sme iba videli, ako už idú jazdci 1. kolo. No nic, ušetrím 9€... Vybalili sme biky a chalani sa šli odprezentovat. Štartovali o 14:00. Trat sa pozriet už nedala. Tomáš roztrhol po 1. kole retaz, Andrej prešiel všetky 4, skoncil 26. Vzhladom na tvrdú konkurenciu slušné, i ked dostal od prvého 10min (na 15,6km). Potom sme z auta kukali na mechanika profi tímu Felt, ako vypypláva biky. Nech im tie XX a Crossmaxy fungujú na 100%. :) Ešte sme si trošku vybehli obztiet trate, každá kategótia mala pomaly inú, lebo od 16:25 bolo na nich volno (jazdili najmenší, a tí mali pidi okruh). Tomáš stále trhal nitovanú retaz, ciže som si sám prešiel pohodovo 2x elite okruh. A musím uznat, bol brutálne skvelý! Profil hovorí za svoje, no aj terén - zjazd vinicami po šutroch, v prachu a s rigolmi by som dal kludne aj na DH preteky. Výšlap v tom prachu tiež nebol žiadna hracka, na 22-28 som mal dost. Potom single po korenoch, jedna básen. A samozrejme prudké tocky. Vyžil som sa. Už teraz sa teším, ako sa o rok zúcastním elity, snád... Zatial 9+1 kolecko v rozumnom tempe nehrozí.


27.3.2010 The plan was clear - go to your zapretekat XC Langenlois in Austria Zoebingu. From BA we vyrážali bit before 9:00. We went after a country road, especially in Vienna, we abstained. Then even the gas station where I had to refuel. But since I do not speak German, I did not finish that must first press the button & quot;'ll pay at the cash register & quot; and then unlocks & quot; guns & quot ;. Fortunately I went to inquire and 1 customer knew English (saleswoman & quot; negavarila pa anglijski & quot;). To the place of race, Zoebingu (1km north of the most Langenlois), we arrived a bit after 12:00. Price I had started by the 12-th. From the car, we only see how they're coming riders 1st round. Well, save 9 & euro; ... we unpacked bikes and the guys went odprezentovat. Took off at 14:00. Trat looked it did not. Tomas tore after the first round of chains, Andrej passed all 4, finished 26th Due to tough competition decent, although he got the first 10min (at 15.6 km). Then we have the car to drive KUKAL professional team Felt like vypypláva bikes. Let them the XX and Crossmax operate at 100%. :) Once we ran a little obztiet tracks, each kategótia had another slow because of 16:25 on them off (driving smallest, and they had a mini circuit). Still the plucked riveted chains, So I went myself cool 2x elite circuit. And I must admit, was brutally great! His profile says, but the landscape - the vineyards downhill Sutra, dust and gutters would have given even feel free to DH race. Hike in the dust also was no toy, the 22-28 I had enough. Then, after a single root, one poem. And of course sharp tock. I raffish. I look forward, as a year to attend elite, perhaps ... While 9 + 1 wheel at a reasonable pace exist.





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