20090714 Prieskum novej žltej znacky Lozorno - Cervený domcek - Lozorno

  • 76.5 km


  • 1057 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1087 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 439 m

    Max height

  • 158 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

14.7.2009 Na dnes som sa dohodol s Milošom na výjazd. Navrhol som prejst si novo vyznacenú (niekedy minulý rok) žltú znacku z Lozorna cez Cervený domcek spät do Lozorna. Vraj je velmi pekná. Tak sme sa dopravili do Stupavy a po zelenej ku Cervenému domceku, kde sme sa napojili na znacku (zacali sme okruh). Šli sme ho "counter clock vise", co sa neskôr ukázalo ako velmi rozumné riešenie (vzhladom na užívanie si ako výšlapov, tak aj zjazdov). Od prekrižovania asfaltky Lozorno-Košarisko po lesnú cestu SV od Lipošiek to bolo dost "zaujímavé". Znacenie riedke, resp. ani ho nebolo kam dat, lebo sa šlo intuitívne po lúkach. Potom lesom to viedlo po chodníckoch lesnej zvery alebo len tak pomedzi stomy. Cesticka "veškerá žádná". :o) Tolko srn sme tu stretli, že až. Na 1 lúke dokonca celé stádo, pasúce sa pri strome. Chvílu sme ich pozorovali, no kým som vytiahol foták a nastavil parametre, zdrhli. Na záver cesty do Lozorna (po asfaltku) bol parádny zjazdík po lesnej ceste (miestami sypanej kamienkami, ciže to aj šmýkalo, paráda) o dlžke jemne nad 4km. V "Looserne" sme si v krcme, ci co to bolo, dali paradajkovú polievku (vynikajúcu polievku) s rožkami a kofolou. Hehe. Potom sme pokracovali po žltej spät ku domku. Miloš mal vcelku dost, tak sme zo Stupavy tahali mimo les, že "ideme po asfalte". No aplikoval som môj oblúbený nápad skratiek. Tak sme vymetali polnacky mimo asfaltiek, až sme skoncili v poliach pri dialnici, kde sme ja JEBALI hriadkami pomedzi nejaké rastliny. Tie sa hrali na obrancov z Maginotovej línie, ich heslom bolo "On ne passe pas!", ciže "Neprejdu!". No my sme prešli, ako Nemcúri ficúri. Ale bolo to drsné, na tom pálivom slnku (podla tacháca teplota stále stúpala, posledný údaj bol 41,9°C) íst v tom vyše 2km. Samozrejme nesmiem zabudnút spomenút, že lesy boli plné komárov, ktorí nás pri pomalšej jazde riadne "ozobávali". Svine! :D


On 14.7.2009 today I agreed with Milos to exit. I suggested to go through the newly pronounced (sometime last year) yellow tag from Lozorno through Red domcek back to Lozorno. Supposedly it is very nice. So we shipped to Stupava and the green of Cerveny's lodge, where we hooked the mark (we started heading). We went to him & quot; counter clock vise & quot ;, what later proved to be a very reasonable solution (relative to the use of such a hike, as well as congresses). From prekrižovania blacktop Lozorno-Košarisko the forest road from SV Lipošiek it was enough & quot, & quot interesting ;. Product number sparse, respectively. nor where the data was not because they were intuitively through the meadows. Then led through the woods to the paths of forest animals or just between the stoma. Batter & quot, & quot all none ;. : O) Tolko Germany we met here, that up. 1 meadow even entire herd grazing on the tree. While we were watching them, but until I pulled the camera and set the parameters've escaped. Finally trip to Lozorno (the asphalt road) was zjazdík parade along the forest path (sometimes Loose stones, or even slipped, parade) gently over the length of 4km. V & quot; Looser & quot; we are in the pub, or whatever it was, put tomato soup (delicious soup) with bread rolls and Kofola. Hehe. Then we continued back to the yellow house. Milos had quite enough, so we pulled out from Stupava forest that & quot; go after tarmac & quot ;. Well, I applied my favorite idea abbreviations. So we bring out polnacky asfaltiek out, we ended up in the fields by the highway, where we fucked I Hriadky between some plants. They were playing the defenders of Maginot line, their motto was & quot; he not passe pas! & Quot ;, So & quot; not pass! & Quot ;. But we have passed as Nemcúri design feature. But it was rough on the fuel sun (according tacháca temperature was rising still, the last figure was 41.9-degree C) read as more than 2km. Of course we must not forget to mention that the woods were full of mosquitoes, who are we at a slower ride properly & quot; ozobávali & quot ;. Pigs! D





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