Corno dela paura

  • 68.4 km


  • 2452 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 2489 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1755 m

    Max height

  • 59 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

Dnes sme vsetci vyrazili na lanovku do mesta Malcesine. Je to jedina lanovka ktora je tu v Lagu. Vyvaza bikerou kazdu pol hodinu na vrchol Monte Baldo, co je druhy najvyssi vrch celeho okolia jazera. kupili sme si listok a mali sme este asi hodinu a pol cas na prezretie tohto praveho talianskeho mestecka plneho obchodikou.. co bavilo hlavne nase "zeny". Cesta touto lanovkou bol fakt asi najvecsi zazitok. neslo o krajinu ale o skupinku nemcou, ktory mali stale problemy aby sa im nedoskriabali biky ktore sa tu opieraju jeden o druhy. Vrchol bol ked povedal ze nech drzime nase biky aby sa nedotykali jeho. zo smiechom sme tie biky opreli o jeho bike, a odisly. Pri takejto scenke clovek pochopi co su nemci za narod... Za lanovkou zcneme pochopitelne klesat. v zapeti nasledoval jeden maly vyjazd 200mv. Tu paradoxne obiehame skupinku tychto "nadupanych" deutschakou na ich 200000covych bikoch. hned ako smedosli na vrchol, ku chate pod monte altisimom, kde sme cakali s ocom na nase "pomalsie zeny" tu vytiahli tito nemci energeticke gely a banany. Bol to fakt vrchol... celu cestu sme sa na nich bavili. Odchadzame od chaty, po asfalte smerom dolu. asi po 10 km odbocujeme zase hore na masiv Corno dela paura. Je to asi najkrajsia cast ktora sa da videt tu v lagu. Za nasimi chrbtami ale strasila burka, s ktorej neskor zacalo aj prsat, takze sme boli nuteny sa otocit a ist najkratsou trasou domov. skoda toho.. niekedy nabuduce si to snad dame.

Today we all went to the cable car to the town of Malcesine. It is the only lift that is here in the lagoon. Biker exported every half hour to the summit of Monte Baldo, which is the second highest peak of the entire surroundings of the lake. We bought a ticket and we still had about an hour and a half this time to view the genuine Italian town full of shops .. what especially enjoyed our & quot; women & quot ;. The way this lift was really about the largest experience. it was not a country but a group of Germans who were still problems to make them nedoskriabali bikes that are here rely on one species. The peak was when he said that whatever keep our bikes without touching it. we laugh from the bikes they put on his bike and left. With such skits you understand what Germans are the nation ... The lift zcneme obviously decline. There then followed a small exit 200mV. Here, paradoxically, a group of these orbits & quot; souped & quot; deutschakou their 200000covych bikoch. As soon as smedosli to the top of the chat monte altisima, where we waited for my dad to our & quot; slower women & quot; There they drew Germans energetic gels and bananas. It was a really top all the way ... we talked to them. Departing from the cottage, the asphalt down. about 10 km turn turn up the massive cannon Corno paura. It's probably the most beautiful part of which can be seen here in the lagoon. Behind our backs but haunted burka, with which later also began to rain so we were forced to turn around and go the shortest route home. shame it .. maybe next time it might dame.




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