20090608 1 Vymetanie trailov v okolí Kamzíka, Bieleho kríža

  • 47.9 km


  • 945 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 928 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 496 m

    Max height

  • 149 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

8.6.2009 Doobeda som sa vybral na bike s budúcim "ženácom", ktorý naposledy sedel na biku 15.4. Vymietli sme singel cez Líšcie údolie, potom sme si dali singel z Klanca k rotunde, hore na Kamzík, singlom (z polovice žltá znacka) na Peknú cestu, potom zošup modrou do Knižkovej doliny, opät modrou na BK, cez Malý Slavín a Malinský vrch ku Slivovi. Tam som sa chcel napojit na nový singel, ktorý tento týžden "brigádnici" spriestupnili celý, no nenašiel som zaciatok. Tak sme si dali singel na 2. strane údolia k sanatóriu a odtial už po Cervený most po asfaltke, lebo kamoš mal už dost (predsa len nárocné stúpania a terény na to, že nesedel skoro 2 mesiace na biku). Ja som si to zakoncil výšlapom Zabijáku na 2-2. Ani som sa nenazdal a už som bol hore. Len babka ma tam trošku spomalila, musel som vojst do rigola a skoro som zastal.


06.08.2009 In the morning I went on a bike with a future & quot, & quot ;, married man who last sat on the bike is 15.4. We Vymietli single through the Fox valley, then we had Klanci single from the rotunda, up to Chamois, single (half yellow sign) to nice road, then zošup blue to Knížková valley, again the blue BK, Slavin a little over the top Malinský of Sliva. There I wanted to connect to the new single, which this week & quot; temporary workers & quot; spriestupnili all, but I did not start. So we had a single on the second side of the valley and from there to the nursing home after Red Bridge on the asphalt road, because the dude had had enough (still demanding climb and terrain that did not fit nearly two months on biking). I did this hike Killer ended 2-2. I did not even know it, and I was already up. Grandma just slowed me down a bit, I had to climb into Rigo and I almost stopped.





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