20090502 Cez Biely kríž, Pezinskú babu, Cmelok, Zochovu chatu, Velkú homolu d...

  • 98.4 km


  • 2091 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 2142 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 715 m

    Max height

  • 150 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

2.5.2009 Nakolko som vcera pracoval s niekolkými fóristami na singli na Železnej a nebol na biku, na dnes som mal v pláne dat Pezinskú babu. No nakoniec som sa dohodol s Patom, že pôjdeme spolu na Velkú homolu, aspon nemusím íst sám. Doobeda to najprv vyzeralo na dážd, tak sa prehánali mracná. Dost fúkal stredne silný severák. Ked som vyrážal, bolo necelých 15°C. Tak bolo prakticky až po Zošku (pri fúkaní vetra bola pocitová teplota tesne nad 10°C, inác mierne pod 15°C). Cestou tam sme si dali komplet cervenú na babu (aj Somár, obchádzka je nuda ako svina), ja som si dal cervenú aj na Cmelok, no najprudší úsek som dal len z polovice. Potom ma hodilo do kriakov. Škoda. Na tej Zoške sme trošku posedeli a schramstli tycinky a pod ho po cervenej ne rozhladnu na Velkej homoli. Záverecné stúpanie, jeho prvú cast, som tiež dal len z polovice, 2. cast som už konecne celú vyšlapal (na biku ;o) ). Potom nasledoval parádny zjazd do PK, až na cca 1km cast v riadnom prachu (po ráfiky) so šutríkmi a bordelom od lesákov. Fuj! Celý som zaprášený. Z PK som prešiel do Limbachu a Medvedím údolím sa dostal na hreben (po zelenej na Kozí chrbát). Odtial to už bola rýchlovka z kopca domov. Šiel som na wapku pri Tescu Lamac, no bolo tam vela áut (2), tak sa mi cakat nechcelo. Pôjdem zajtra. Domov som dorazil vcelku cerstvý, až na bolest krku (môj pretekársky posed nie je vhodný na dlhšie štreky), hlad (mal som 1 musli tycinku) a smäd (vypil som 700ml caju, presne mi vyšiel). Zhrnul by som to asi tak, že pôvodný zámer íst pohodovým, výletným "light" tempom, sa zmenil takmer na "kto bude rýchlejší". Ale len takmer. :o) Vzhladom na zajtrajšiu ligu bol takýto výjazd dost nerozumný. Ved uvidíme, ako povedal ten slepý...


02/05/2009 Since I worked yesterday with several singles on the fóristami Iron and not to biking, for today I had planned data Pezinská girl. Well I finally agreed with Pat that go together on large cones, at least do not have to go it alone. First morning it looked like rain, and ran around cloud. Quite moderate north wind blew. When I started off, it was less than a 15-degree C. So it was almost to Zoška (the wind was blowing perceived temperature just above the 10-degree C, INAC slightly below the 15-degree C). On the way there we had to set red girl (the donkey, a detour is boring as a motherfucker), I can put on the red Cmelok, but the steepest section I put only half. Then I threw in kriakov. Damage. On the Zoška we posedeli and schramstli little sticks, etc. it after the red sun tower on Big Loaf. Final climb, his first cast, I also gave only half, the second cast I have finally made the track a whole (for biking, o)). This was followed by the fantastic downhill to PC, up to 1km cast in ordinary dust (the rims) with šutríkmi a brothel from LESÁK. Ugh! I whole dusty. From PK I went to Limbach and Bear valley got on the ridge (the green on the back of the Goat). From there it was already quickie downhill home. I went to the WAP site to Tesco breaker, but there were a lot of cars (2), so I did not want to wait. I'll go tomorrow. I arrived home quite fresh, up to neck pain (my racing posed is not suitable for longer douches), hungry (I had 1 muesli bars) and thirst (I drink 700 ml of tea, I just came out). I would summarize it this way, that the original intention to go cool, excursion & quot; Light & quot; pace, changed almost & quot; who will be faster & quot ;. But only almost. : O) In view of tomorrow's league trip was such a pretty irrational. Ved see how he said the blind ...





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