20090330 Hainburg a spät + Berg a Kittsee s Bike teamom

  • 42.2 km


  • 154 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 128 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 244 m

    Max height

  • 128 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

30.3.2009 Pocas dna sa pocasie pomaly umúdrovalo, prestalo pršat, cesty vyschli, tak som sa o 15.00 pobalil a vypadol z práce. 16.15 som sedel na biku, plán bol dat so Hainburg a spät po asfalte. Do H. bol protivietor, ale nie až taký strašný, priemerka bola 27.3km/h. No cítil som, že v poslednom, teda ostatnom ;o) case viac sedím za stolom ako za rajdami. Po hranicu som zvýšil priemer o 2km/h. Tam som stretol cast Bike teamu v zložení Lucia Dedinská, destík a Tomáš. Pripojil som sa k nim a dal si s nimi Berg, Kittsee, Berg a odpojil sa na konci Líšcieho údolia. Nebyt výšlapu na Púpavovú, celý cas by bol v znamení velkej píly, co u mna znamená "pod 3-5 nie". Aspon bolo aj lesu a bahna trošku.


03/30/2009 During the day, during the slow umúdrovalo, stopped raining, the roads dried up, so I pack up at 15.00 and dropped out of work. 16:15 I sat on biking, the plan was to Hainburg and data back after the asphalt. H. to the headwind, but not so terrible, caliper was 27.3km / h. But I felt that in the latter, thus the rest o) case more than sit behind a desk for Rajd. After I increased the threshold diameter of 2 km / h. There I met a cast Bike team composed Lucia Dedinská, destík and Tomas. I joined them, and gave them Berg, Kittsee, Berg and disconnected at the end of the fox valley. Commercial hike on Púpavová all the time was marked by a big saw what u mean me & quot; not under 3-5 & quot ;. At least it was a forest and a little mud.





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