20090328 1 Devínska kobyla - tréning 1

  • 26.5 km


  • 591 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 600 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 516 m

    Max height

  • 189 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

28.3.2009 Na dnes hlásili super pocasie. Aj bolo. 16-17°C, slnko svietilo, akorát vietor fúkal. Ale ja som sa rozhodol dat si 3 kolecká nového tréningového okruhu na Devínskej kobyle. Jedno má 18.3km. No už na zaciatku mi bolo jasné, že skoncím asi len s 1. Bolo mi strááášne teplo, príliš som sa obliekol. Tak som sa potil v kopcoch, že som normálne musel zhodit zo strednej píly na malú. Hrôza. Tak som to po prvom kolecku zabalil a podho domov. Aspon si dáme pešiu turistiku po naobedovaní a na vecer snád vybehnem opät, menej oblecený, resp. už nebude také teplo.


28.3.2009 On today reported super weather. Also was. 16-17-degree C, the sun was shining, the wind was blowing just right. But I decided to give a 3 casters new training circuit at Devínská mare. One is 18.3km. But at the outset it was clear to me that probably ended up with only 1 strááášne I was warm, I was too dressed. So I was sweating in the hills that I normally had thrown off the middle of the small saws. Horror. So I wrapped the first casters and foothills home. At least we'll have hiking on naobedovaní and runs up again tonight hopefully, less wear, respectively. will not be as warm.





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