20090318 Berg, Edelstal, Hainburg a Braunsberg

  • 41.2 km


  • 637 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 637 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 350 m

    Max height

  • 132 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

18.3.2009 Pôvodný plán na dnes bol uskutocnit 1. tohtorocný cyklovýlet, no kamošovi to nejako nevyšlo a íst sám... Tak reku pôjdem cez Hoeflein do Brucku, no pohlad z okna na vrtule ma presvedcil, že sa treba ukryt do lesa. Vytiahol som teda na bike kamoša a povodil ho po mne známych, no aj ciastocne neznámych cestickách (1 som mal už dlhšie v merku, bo ma zaujímalo, kam vedie). Pocas výšlapu na Schlossberg sa opät prejavila sila vetra (dovtedy "len" v podobe nechutného bocáku, že nás to hádzalo mimo cestu), kedy ma pod 1. bránou tááák ofúklo, že som zacal mierne cúvat. Nevýhodou vetra bolo aj to, že sa prakticky nedalo zastavit, lebo bola kosa. No a fotiek je málo pramálo, lebo baterie boli vybité. Škoda, lebo boli vidiet Alpy (aj ked nie ideálne), ale dali sa rozoznat zasnežené plochy Schneebergu, Stuhlecku,...


18.3.2009 The original plan for today was to carry out the first year's bike trip, but it somehow did not work out to your friends and go alone ... So I go over the river to Hoeflein Bruck, no view from the window of the propeller to me that should be hidden in the woods. So I pulled the bike buddy and originally known it for me, but also partly unknown Paths (1 I was no longer in Merkel bo I wonder where it leads). During the hike Schlossberg is again manifested wind force (long & quot, & quot only, in the form of nasty Bocák that's throwing us off the road), which has the first gate sooo ofúklo that I started backing down slightly. The downside was the wind that is virtually impossible to stop because it was trash. No photos are a little low, because the batteries were dead. Too bad they were seen Alps (although not perfect), but they gave an audible snowy area Schneeberg, Stuhleck ...





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