20090302 Okolo Hainburger Berge 4

  • 45 km


  • 161 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 166 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 191 m

    Max height

  • 130 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

2.3.2009 Dnes sa mi konecne pdoarilo vytiahnut na tréningový okruh aj Jakuba. A dobre som spravil, lebo ked idú dvaja, vždy šlapú rýchlejšie, ako keby šli každý sám. Prakticky celý cas sme mali vyrovnanú priemerku 31km/, pricom podla okolností mierne klesala/stúpala. Až od Mosta Lafranconi sa pokazila, predsa len chodníky, semafory atd. jej nerobia dobre ;o) Ale priznám sa, síce sa mi zdalo, že nefúkalo, no cestou spät som mal co robit ukrútit 31+. Jakub urcite len slintal a škeril sa za mnou. Však príde pes na Mráza a nabudúce bude celý cas vpredu on. Grrr!


2.3.2009 Today I finally pulled the pdoarilo circuit training and James. And well I did, because when they go two, always still shut, marching faster than if they went every man. Virtually the entire time we had a balanced caliper 31 km /, where, according to the circumstances slightly decreased / soared. Up from the bridge Lafranconi broke down, nonetheless sidewalks, traffic lights, etc.. it do not do well o) But I must admit, although it seemed to me, do not blow it, no turning back, I had a hard cruel 31+. Jakub certainly just drooled and grins for me. However, the dog comes to frost and next time will be full time on the front. Grrr!





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