Breginjski kot

  • 57.6 km


  • 1024 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1022 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 855 m

    Max height

  • 208 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

Iz Kobarida proti Breginju se pot nežno dviguje. Vas Breginj leži na potresnem obmocju in - žal - se vidijo posledice obnove. Hiše, ki ne sodijo na to podrocje motijo cudvito naravo v okoliškem hribovju. Za Breginjem prideš do krasne vasice Logje, ki je stinsnjena is skrita v Breginjskem kotu. Spust do Nadiže in precej hud vzpon do Robidišca, najbolj zahodne slovenske vasi. Ki vstaja iz pepela pozabe. Za vasjo je popolnoma "odbit" mejni prehod, ki ga "mestni" ne poznamo. Italija takoj zadiha bolj turisticno, saj je kmalu za mejo "turisticna kmetija". Takoj za njo levo gor proti Montefosci, kjer si pred tem presenecen, ko srecaš napise ob cesti v Slovenšcini - tu mislim popolnoma lokalne kot "privatna lastnina" na primer. Od Montefosce gre v glavnem samo še dol. Do glavne ceste in prek Robica nazaj do Kobarida.

From Kobarid to Breginju the path gently rises. You Breginj is located in a seismic zone, and - unfortunately - to see the consequences of restoration. Houses that do not fall within the scope of this cudvito interfere with nature in the surrounding hills. For Breginj get to the beautiful village of Logje, which is stinsnjena is hidden in Breginj. The descent to the Adige and quite severe rise to Robidišce, most western Slovenian village. That rises from the ashes of oblivion. Behind the village is completely & quot; deducted & quot; border crossing by the & quot; city & quot; we do not know. Italy immediately breathe more tourism, as soon as the limit of & quot; Tourist Farm & quot ;. Immediately behind her left up to Montefosca where you previously surprised when you meet along the road signs in Slovenian - here I completely local as & quot; private property & quot; for example. From Montefosca is mainly just down. To the main road and through Robic back to Kobarid.




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