Svih na Sumave

  • 53.2 km


  • 0 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 11 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1237 m

    Max height

  • 487 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

V ramci krasneho petidenniho pobytu na Sumave na Spicaku jsme ve ctvrtek vyrazili na ceodenni svih do okoli. Holky s detmi a Solixem vyrazili pesmo po silnici smer Zelezna Lhota a my vyrazili vstric sumavskym kopcum.Zacatek byl celkem ostry, kdyz jsme stoupali do spicackeho sedla a pak na rozhlednu Pancir. Mno, musim rict, ze jsem ty kopce nedaval. To je tak, kdyz se rok nejezdi na kole :-).  Na Panciri jsme se pokochali vyhledem, udelali prvni fotky a pokracovali dale. Po kratkem sjezdu nasledovalo dalsi stoupani az na kopec Mustek. Nastesti pak nasledovaly prevazne sjezdy a to az do obce Milence. Tady jsem snad dal rychlostni rekord, kdy jsem to svistel z kopce asi 68 km/h, nicmene Jarek me jeste predjel s krikem: "72 km/h!!!".  To bylo hoodne slusne.V Desenicich jsme zacali planovat obed a kdy se potkame s holkama. Zjistili jsme, ze udaje, ktere nam dali predtim, nebyly tak uplne pravda a jejich pozice byla jeste dost daleko od cile. Toz jsme se rozhodli si to trochu prodlouzit a misto obkrouzeni kolem prehrady Nyrsko jsme to vyslapli na Horni Polanky a pak hezkym sjezdem k prehrade. Ja si odlovil druhou kes dnesniho vyletu a kdyz jsme zjistovali, kde mame druhe polovicky, tak jsme opet dosli k zjisteni, ze nejsou tam, kde by mely byt a ze jim to potrva jeste 2 hodiny do cile.Nu coz, z nasi pozice nebylo uz moc moznosti, tak jsme se sli koupat. Bylo nadherne slunecno a voda byla pruzracne cista. Krasne koupanicko. Dali jsme svacinku a vydali se hledat restauraci do Zelene Lhoty.Po prujezdu vesnici jsme na dome uvideli napis "Restaurace". Zajeli jsme tam a vzadu sedel par starsich lidi. "Hmm, dneska nemaji moc hostu", rekli jsme si. Pak jsme se zeptali, jestli je otevreno a chlapik s ledovym klidem odpovedel: "Tady uz to je pet let zavrene."  Tak jsme od pani zjistili, kde ze ta jedina restaurace je a vyrazili k nadrazi. Zde mel byt sraz, protoze holky jely domu vlakem. Po docela slusnem vyslapu k nadrazi jsme zasedli a objednali si pivo a kofolu. Pak zavolaly holky, ze uz mely hlad a sedi v Hamrech v restauraci. Probehlo jednani, my jsme nakonec nalili kofolu do bidonu, pivo do sebe a jeli jsme za nima.Restaurace to byla velmi pekna a cisnice, teda vlastne asi majitelka restaurace a hotelu byla velmi prijemna a vtipna. Vyborne tu vari a deti se vyradily na travnicku. Kamil pritom delal pozy na ctyrech jako nejakej chameleon :-)Na obede jsme se dozvedeli od holek, ze nas ceka dlouhy tahly kopec. Mno, to jsem nevedel co prijde.Ve skutecnosti to bylo asi 10 km neustaleho mirneho stoupani s prevysenim 400 m. Musim rict, ze muj zadek to dost pocitil a ja myslel, ze z toho kola ani nesesednu. Maskr.Pak uz nasledoval jen sjezd ze spicackeho sedla na chatu a zaslouzene pivo a odpocinek.Photos: See all pictures and videos from Svih na Sumave

In the context of the beautiful five-day stay in Sumava Spicak Thursday we went to ceodenni SVIH the surroundings. Girls with children and Solix set off on foot along the road towards Zelezna Lhota and we went accommodate Sumava kopcum.Zacatek was quite sharply as we climbed into the village Špicák and then on the lookout Pancir. Well, I must say I did not make those hills. This is so when the year do not go on bike :-). The armor we admire outlook, took the first photos and continued. After a short downhill followed by another climb up the hill Mustek. Luckily Then followed a predominantly downhill until the village of lovers. Here I might put a speed record, when I whizzed down the hill about 68 km / h, but Jarek still overtook me with the cry: "72 km / h !!!". It was very very slusne.V Dešenice we began to plan for lunch and when we meet with the girls. We found that the information given to us previously, was not entirely true, and their positions were still far enough away from the goal. Toz we decided to extend it a little and instead pass around the dam Nyrsko we hiked a little bit on the top Polanky and then a nice downhill to the reservoir. He Cornered second kes of today's trips and when we looked where we have the second half, and we were again made the discovery that there are, where they should be, and from them it would take two hours to cile.Nu coz of our position was not not much possibility, so we went swimming. It was a wonderful sun and the water was crystal clear. Krasne koupanicko. We gave friendly snacks and went to look for a restaurant to green passage Lhoty.Po village we saw the dome reads "Restaurant". We went there and sat back a couple of older people. "Well, today we have not much guests," we said. Then we asked if the fellow openly and calmly replied: "Here it is already five years closed." So we found the lady where the restaurant is the only one and went to the station. There should be meeting, because the girls rode the train home. After a pretty decent hike to the station we sat down and ordered a beer and Kofola. Then they called the girls already had the hunger and sits in Hamra restaurant. Negotiations took place, we eventually poured in Bidon Kofola beer together and we went for nima.Restaurace it was very nice and the waiters, I mean, about the owner of the restaurant and the hotel was very nice and funny. Excellent brewed and children had fun at statice. Kamil doing then poses on all fours like some kind of chameleon :-) For lunch, we learned from the girls that we have a long protracted hill. Well, I did not know what prijde.Ve fact, it was about 10 km continuous gentle rise with an elevation of 400 m. I have to say that my butt felt it enough and I thought of that round or nesesednu. Maskr.Pak was followed just downhill from the village Špicák chat and deserved beer and odpocinek.Photos: See all pictures and videos from swing in Sumava




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