Fahrradtour in Solingen an der Wupper von Müngstener Brücke über Schloss Burg bis Wipperkotten & zurück

  • 40 km


  • 591 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 602 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 212 m

    Max height

  • 66 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

Einer meine Lieblingsradtour entlang an der Wupper in bekannte Stadt Solingen. Hier trifft man sich auf berühmten Eisenbahnbrücke, welche über 100 Jahre alt ist und übrigens die höchste Brücke von Deutschland, damals feierllich eröffnet durch Kaiser Wilhelm. Die Brücke gehört auch einer zu den Ältesten. Nicht weit von hier auch einen Schloss-Burg mit atemberaubender Blick. Unterwegs trifft man immer wieder auf schöne Landschaften, Wassermühle und Fachwerkhäuser.One of my favourite bicycle tour around the river Wupper in famous citySolingen, here you can see famous railway bridge Müngstener which ismore than 100 years old opened by our former emperor Wilhelm, it's alsoone of oldest and highest railway bridge in Germany. Not far from hereis a popular castle too. Enjoy the trip! ;-)
This trip is not for kids or seniors because here are many climbing ways, some part you really need your power alot!

One of my favorite bike ride along the Wupper in Solingen famous city. Here you meet on the famous railway bridge, which is over 100 years old and by the way the highest bridge of Germany, then feierllich opened by Kaiser Wilhelm. The bridge also a part of the elders. Not far from there is also a castle-fortress with breathtaking views. Then, go to again and again to beautiful landscapes, watermill and Fachwerkhäuser.One of my favorite bicycle tour around the river Wupper in famous city solingen, here you can see famous railway bridge Müngstener Which ismore than 100 years old opened by our former emperor Wilhelm, it's alsoone of oldest and highest railway bridge in Germany. Not far from hereis a popular castle too. Enjoy the trip! ;-)
This trip is not for kids or seniors Because here are many climbing ways, some part you really need your power alot!




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