Monte Legnone & Rifugio Griera

  • 14.2 km


  • 945 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 872 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1719 m

    Max height

  • 785 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

Questo itinerario ci permette di lambire la più alta cima delle Prealpi Lariane, della provincia di Lecco, delle Orobie Occidentali: il Monte Legnone (2610 mt). Il Legnone è una montagna stupenda, dalle caratteristiche alpine più che prealpine, affacciata sui laghi di Como e di Lugano, relativamente isolata dalle altre cime, con la caratteristica forma piramidale, si impone per la sua maestosità soprattutto se vista dal versante occidentale. Durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, anche il Monte Legnone è stato interessato dalla costruzione della cosiddetta Linea Cadorna, una linea di difesa con fortificazioni che correvano lungo tutte le Prealpi Lombarde. Alcune postazioni sono tuttora visibili anche sul Legnone (vedi sotto estensione Opzionale su Roadbook) La sterrata sale con pendenza costante al 10% in uno scenario da favola e nella quiete più assoluta, passando dalla faggeta ai prati e gli alpeggi in quota, e permettendo di ammirare costantemente un panorama ineguagliabile sullaValsassina e sul Lario. Non insoliti gli avvistamenti degli abitanti di questa montagna, fra cui cervi ed aquilePresso l’alpeggio di Alpe Campo (ottimamente restaurata) è possibile acquistare prodotti caseari tipici, ed è facile imbattersi nel gregge di inconfondibili capre OrobicheUna meritata sosta al Rifugio Griera (, anch’esso splendidamente recuperato, vi permetterà di scoprire (e riscoprire) i sapori della montagna come ormai è difficile fare in altri luoghi, grazie alla sapienza ed alla curiosità culinaria della rifugista (Serena Sironi). Il rifugio gode di una splendida vista sui laghi di Como e Lugano e di innumerevoli cime alpine e prealpine, offre la possibilità di pernottamento, e dispone di servizio di custodia e riparazione bici.Dal rifugio è possibile salire ancora seguendo la strada militare, che da quota 1900 diventa una traccia singola, con pendenza sempre modesta ma a tratti difficilmente pedalabile, che sale fino a quota 2400, non lontano dalla vetta!La discesa può essere effettuata dallo stesso itinerario di andata, sfruttando eventualmente il sentiero che taglia la strada a partire dall’alpe Vesina e che ne tange spesso i tornanti.In alternativa è possibile effettuare un itinerario di discesa su sentiero divertente e a tratti impegnativo, che attraversa gli alpeggi di Bedoledo e Subiale, e che porta direttamente a Pagnona. A partire dal Giugno 2011 l’itinerario è segnalato (Freccie gialle e cartelli “MTB Trail 1 – Legnone & Griera”)This trail bring us near to the highest peak of the Lario Prealps, the Lecco Province and the Western Orobie: Mount Legnone (2610 m.a.s.l)Legnone is an amazing near-alpin Mountain; relatively isolated from the other peaks, with astonishing views of the Como and Lugano Lakes and Its caractheristic pyramidal shape, it emerges majestically and shows in all its beauty especially from the Northern area of Pian di Spagna During first World War Mount Legnone was also part of the Linea Cadorna, a fortified defensive line build all over the Prealps in Lumbardy. Some spots are still visible also here on Mount Legnone (see below)The Military unpaved road rises close o the peak with a steady 10% slope; all this in an enchanting scenario, initially a very quiet beechen forest, then within the typical Prealpin grasses, with unforgettable panoramic views over Valsassina and the Lario. Not so difficult to meet some inhabitants such as deers, eagles… and the typical Orobian goat (by the way: in a pasture close to Griera it is possible to purchase some original fresh and seasoned cheese!)A well deserved stopover to the Rifugio Griera, a remarkably rebuilt mountain hut, will let you discover Mountain dishes that are just as typical as unexpected! All of this thanks to the passion and curiosity of Serena Sirona, the Griera hutkeeper. The Griera Hut offers an amazing frontal view of the Lario lakes, Mount Rosa, and so many other famous Alpin Peaks! Also Rifugio Griera is one of the first MTBiker-Friendly Huts in the surroundings, offering technical assistance, documentation, and a safe shelter for your MTB! As an option, from the Griera hut you can keep on biking on the military road, soon turning into a path, not 100% cyclable, raising up to 2400 meters!For the descent you have at least to major options: 1.if you want to relax, you can jost go back from the same direction you went up, with several shortcut options visible all along the descent and especially close each street bend2.if you are looking for more excitement, you can enjoy the ‘downhill’ path… well in fact I would say it sometimes turns a bit trialistic! Anyway this will bring you straight to the starting point in PagnonaBy the way: starting from June 2011 directions are available on the trail (yellow arrows and directions “Trail 1 – Legnone & Griera”)

This route allows us to lick the highest peak of Lariane pre-Alps, the province of Lecco, of the Western Orobie: Mount Legnone (2610 mt). Legnone is a beautiful mountains, from the foothills to alpine features, overlooking the lakes of Como and Lugano, relatively isolated from the other peaks, with the characteristic pyramid shape, stands out for its majesty especially when viewed from the western side. During World War II, also the Monte Legnone has been affected by the construction of the so-called Linea Cadorna, a defense line with fortifications that ran along all the Alps of Lombardy. Some stations are also still visible on Legnone (see below Optional extension of Roadbook) The dirt rises to 10% with a constant slope in a stunning setting and in complete tranquility, moving from beech forest to meadows and mountain pastures at high altitude, and allowing constantly admire a unique panorama sullaValsassina and Lario. the inhabitants not unusual sightings of this mountain, including deer and aquilePresso the pasture of Alpe Campo (beautifully restored) you can buy typical dairy products, and it is easy to come in the unmistakable goats OrobicheUna flock deserved break at the Refuge Griera (https: //, also beautifully restored, you will discover (and rediscover) the flavors of the mountain as it is hard to do in other places, thanks to the wisdom and to the culinary curiosities of rifugista (Serena Sironi). The shelter has a beautiful view of the lakes of Como and Lugano and countless Alpine and pre-Alpine peaks, offers the possibility of overnight stay, and has custody and repair service bici.Dal refuge you can climb again following the military road that at 1900 becomes a single track, with more moderate slope, but at times difficult to pedal, which rises to a height of 2400, not far from the summit! the descent can be made from the same outward route, possibly taking advantage of the path that cuts the road from from Alpe Vesina and that often she freaks the tornanti.In Alternatively you can make a journey of about fun and challenging path downhill stretches, which crosses the pastures of Bedoledo and Subiale, and that leads directly to Pagnona. As of June 2011 the route is signposted (yellow Arrows and signs "MTB Trail 1 - Legnone & Griera") This trail bring us near to the highest peak of the Lario Prealps, the Lecco Province and the Western Orobie: Mount Legnone ( 2610 masl) Legnone is an amazing near-alpine Mountain; Relatively isolated from the other peaks, with astonishing views of the Como and Lugano Lakes and Its caractheristic pyramidal shape, Emerges majestically and it shows in all its beauty especially from the Northern area of ??Pian di Spagna During first World War was Mount Legnone Also part of the Cadorna line, a fortified defensive line build all over the Prealps in Lumbardy. Some spots are still visible Also here on Mount Legnone (see below) The Military unpaved road rises close or the peak with a steady 10% slope; all this in an enchanting scenario, initially in very quiet beechen forest, then Within the typical Prealpin grasses, with unforgettable panoramic views over Valsassina and the Lario. Not so difficult to meet some Inhabitants such as deers, eagles ... and the typical Orobian goat (by the way: in a pasture close to Griera it is possible to purchase some original fresh and seasoned cheese!) A well deserved stopover to the Rifugio Griera , a remarkably rebuilt mountain hut, will let you discover Mountain dishes That are just as typical as unexpected! All of this thanks to the passion and curiosity of Serena Sirona, the Griera hutkeeper. The Griera Hut offers an amazing frontal view of the Lario Lakes, Mount Rosa, and so many other famous Alpine Peaks! Also Griera Refuge is one of the first MTBiker-Friendly Huts in the surroundings, offering technical assistance, documentation, and a safe shelter for your bike! As an option, from the Griera hut you can keep on biking on the military road, soon turning into a path, not 100% cycle, raising up to 2400 meters! For the descent you have at least to major options: 1. if you want to relax, you can go back jost from the same direction you went up, with several shortcut options visible all along the descent and especially close each street bend2.if you are looking for more excitement, you can enjoy the 'downhill' path ... well in fact I would say it sometimes turns a bit trialistic! Anyway this will bring you straight to the starting point in PagnonaBy the way: starting from June 2011 directions are available on the trail (yellow arrows and directions "Trail 1 - Legnone & Griera")




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