20120904 Mtb Devínska Kobyla a po auto do centra

  • 20.1 km


  • 213 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 277 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 356 m

    Max height

  • 137 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

4.9.2012 Cez den som spracúval fotky a ked som skoncil, vybral som sa trochu do lesa. Ako som vyšiel z brány a sadol na bike, skoro som sa "prevrátil" dopredu. Taký som mal pocit z posedu a ked som šiel zo sedla, to bolo ešte horšie. :-D 12 dní bez biku spravilo svoje a tiež to, že som posledné 2 dni vo Švédsku jazdil na klasickom biku. Škrtom cez rozpocet bolo, že som šiel pomôct otcovi zobrat auto z centra, takže som si vela nezajazdil. Už sa aj skoro stmieva.

04/09/2012 During the day I processed the photos and when I finished, I went into the woods a bit. As I came out of the gate and sat on the bike, I almost " overturned " forward. I felt so out of the shed and when I went from the saddle, it was even worse. :-D 12 days without a bike is done ours, and also that I have the last two days in Sweden drove on the classic biking. Over budget cuts was that I went to beg his father assist car from the center, so I do a lot of nezajazdil. And also getting dark soon.




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