20120612 2 Švihaj Šuhaj

  • 33.7 km


  • 242 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 176 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 280 m

    Max height

  • 149 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

12.6.2012 Ráno som bol zaviezt Jakubovi tažkú zásielku, ktorú bolo treba dorucit do 8:15 na Patrónku. Ja som nemohol, šiel som do tlace. :-D Automagazín vymyslel, že hodí do casáku porovnanie, ako je to s motocyklami, autami a bicyklami v meste, kto je rýchlejší, ekologickejší a tak. 7:30 sme mali stretko na konci Race pri Kauflande. Zišla sa športová motorka, maxi skúter, elektrický skúter, elektromobil, klasický automobil a bike. :-) Nieco sme pofotili a vyrazili. Ciel bol pred redakciou v centre pri Šafku (Tallerova). Výnimocne som nešiel svoje kuriérske tempo, ale trochu som pridal. :-D No žiadna hrana, nevidel som reálne, že by som bol prvý, tak na co... Motorka so skútrom boli rýchlejšie a pekne sa štrikovali pomedzi autá. Elektrický skúter som nechal za sebou ešte pred Peknou cestou, autá detto. "Celo" som dotahoval trochu na križovatkách, predsa len s motorkou sa ide tažšie pomedzi autá. Skúter som dobehol na Racku, no na zelenej mi zdrhol. Ale oni museli íst cez Hodžovo a po nábreží, ale ja som si to pekne strihol po vopred naplánovanej trase cez Obchodnú, SNP a Kamenné. Tam ma síce vyblokovali zásobovacie dodávky, ale co už... Prišiel som pred redakciu a... :devil: Nikde nikto. Po cca 10-tich sekundách sa objavil prvý motorkár so zdeseným výrazom v tvári. Popíjal som kávicku. :-D Keby som to vedel, tak si možno aj prásknem, nech som tam o nejakú minútu alebo viac vopred... Zašli sme hore do redakcie, dali mi napit, pokecali sme , nieco si zapísali. 27.6. kupujte Automagazín! Potom som šiel rozvážat, no nejako nic nebolo. Tak som mal 2 zásielky, pricom ako 1 si mám pocítat tú akciu. 2 zásielky


12.6.2012 morning I drove Jacob was a recurrent severe consignment, which was to be delivered to the Patroness 8:15. I could not, I went to press. :-D Automagazín invented that fits into the mag comparison, as of motorcycles, cars and bicycles in the city, who is faster, greener and more so. 7:30 stretko we had at the end of Race at Kaufland. Met with sports bike, maxi scooter, electric scooter, electric car, classic car and bike. :-) Something we pofotili and went. Ciel was before the editorial staff at the center in Safka (Tallerova). I did not go their exceptionally courier pace, but I added a bit. :-D No, no edge, I did not see the real, that I was the first, so what ... Motorbike with the scooter were faster and nicely štrikovali between cars. Electric scooter I left behind before nice road, cars ditto. " Celo " I chased a little at intersections, the bike still goes harder between cars. I caught up on a scooter rack, but the green made me lose my. But they had to go through Hodžovo and along the waterfront, but I cut it nicely after a pre-planned route through trade, SNP and Stone. Although there has vyblokovali delivery vans, but what we have ... I came before editing and ...: devil: never been. After about 10 seconds, appeared first biker with a horrified look on her face. I was drinking Kavicka. :-D If I knew that, so maybe powder, let me be there in a minute or some more advance ... We went up to the editor, gave me a drink, we chatted, something you wrote. 27.6. buy Automagazín! Then I went to the balance sheet, but somehow nothing. So I had 2 lots, such as the one I count on the action. 2 shipments





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