20120604 Švihaj Šuhaj

  • 110.3 km


  • 403 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 493 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 280 m

    Max height

  • 138 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

4.6.2012 Nohy išli znovu skvelo. Pocas dna som mal skoro stále co robit, ak si odmyslím cestu domov na obed a nákup lepenia na plášte v Libiku. Ked som bol so zásielkou v jednej spolocnosti, na recepcii som stretol kamoša, cez ktorého som objednával gripy na zimáka. Nehorázna náhoda. Ani som nevedel, že tam pracuje. Tak mi ich rovno dal. :-D A ja som si ich namontoval. Hned sa ide lepšie, pôvodné z 09/2006 putovali do koša. :-D Cestou domov som stretol pod Lafkom Bike team, tak som sa s nimi odviezol po Devínskej ceste (vybil sa Garmin) a lesom na Královu horu, odtial domov. Trochu som aj zmokol, ale bolo to príjemné mrholenie. SZ vietor. 8 zásielok + 6 hromadných


4.6.2012 feet again went great. During the day I had almost always something to do if you take away the way home for lunch and sticking to purchase gowns in Libík. When I was with the consignment in one company, the reception I met a buddy, through whom I ordered the grips on Zimák. Outrageous coincidence. I did not even work there. So I put them right. :-D And I get them fitted. Just goes better from the original 09/2006 wandered into the trash. :-D On the way home I met the Lafkom Bike team, so I drove with them after Devínská road (smote the Garmin) and forest on King's Mountain, thence home. Little did I even get wet, but it was a pleasant drizzle. NW wind. 8 + 6 bulk shipments





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