20120526 Mtb Devínska Kobyla

  • 52.7 km


  • 1342 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1355 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 446 m

    Max height

  • 130 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

26.5.2012 Trochu som zaspal a bojoval som s tým, kam íst. Tak som sa nakoniec šiel povozit do kopcov na Kobylu. Nešlo sa mi dobre, nohy tvrdé, ale rozjazdili sa po zopár výšlapoch. Na vrchole som si dal dlhšiu pauzu, než som plánoval, lebo tam bola skupinka chlapíkov, turistov. Dali sme sa do reci, jeden bol tiež biker, ktorý preteká, tak sme všelico rozoberali. Potocil by som aj viac, ale mal som len 2 tycinky (vcera som si nenakúpil, lebo to vyzeralo, že na preteky íst nebudem môct kvôli oslave) a bol som riadne hladný.


26.5.2012 I kind of fell asleep and I fought with it to go. So I eventually went into the hills to povozit mares. It was not good to me, legs hard, but after a few rozjazdili hike. On top I took a longer break than I had planned because there was a group of guys tourists. We got into the speech, was also a biker who runs, we discussed many things. Creek would like more, but I had only 2 sticks (yesterday I did not eg purchase, because it seemed that the race will not be able to go because of the celebration) and I was properly hungry.





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