20120519 Cervený Kamen s trochou kopcov

  • 128.6 km


  • 2738 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 2727 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 717 m

    Max height

  • 146 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Trail Description

19.5.2012 Celodenný super výletík s Romanom. Po Cermák aj s Andrejom, ale nejako si stále nachádzal výhovorky, aby sa mohol odpojit. :no: Na BK pohodicka, nechal som tahat ostatných, len do zjazdov som šiel na 1. pozícii. Škoda nicit platnicky. :-D Na Bielom Andrej automaticky odbocil ku Vcelínu a my na to "nestavíme, máme zpoždení". :-D Prvá zastávka na Babe. Tam sme šli po cervenej, nech je zmena (inak chodievame cez Turecák). Mostík v tomto smere tiež super, 1. raz odskúšaný. Opacne ho už poznáme. Na Pezinskej sme si dali pauzu na kofolu a toasty. Potom vyrazili na najdrsnejšiu cast. Cervená na Cermák. :devil: Fajnšmekri (cítaj ja :-D ) si dali aj úvod stúpania na Cmelok po cervenej. No nejako mi to nevyšlo a dal som nohu na zem. Ale znovu som sa rozbehol, takže som to dal, hoci na 2-krát. Samého ma prekvapilo, že som sa v tom kopci dokázal pohnút. Záver na vrchol bol už "easy". Stúpanie pod Certov kopec som znovu nedal, strmé a so sypkým podkladom. Zatial unreal. Zjazd zo Skalnatej som si parádne užil. ani sa mi nezdal taký tažký. Pekne horšou pravou stopou. Asi to bude tým, že konecne mám vpredu plášt, ktorý drží. V technike som si odvtedy ovela istejší. 8-) Na Cermáku sa teda Andrej odpojil, nacapovali sme vodu a lahkou trasou na Cervený Kamen. Toto bol taký oraz, zväcša lesné cesty a rovina. Na hrade sme si šupli obed (drahý a malé porcie, ale co už...), namazali retaze a hrr s plnými bruchami do stúpanie na Zošku. Fujtajbl! Chvílu ma aj brucho bolelo. Od Zošky zacala dalšia horská prémia. :-D Cervená na Homolu. Už bolo aj dost teplo, pot sa valil kopcom. Výšlap celkom s prehladom padol, akurát najstrmší záver bol pre mna tažší, už som cítil, že sa mi zle tocí v sedle. Tak zo sedla. :-D Ludia cumeli, co za bláznom ide nahor. Zjazd som chcel pozriet po zelenej, ešte som tade nešiel. Úplne geniálny zjazd! Trochu šutrov, potom tocky pomedzi popadané stromy, aj skoro metrový drop bol. Záver po rýchlej lesnej ceste a asfaltkou na hlavnú cestu. Parádicka! :-) No a prišli 3 tiahlejšie stúpania. Najprv na modrú pod Žilovú (2,5 km), potom zo Slnecného na Šenkárku (3,5 km) a ako bonus Medvedie údolie (7,5 km). Tam už Roman hlásil, že kopcov bolo vela. :-D Mne sa celkom nohy roztocili, hoci som tiež cítil, že to nie je len tak. V 2/3 som si musel nacapovat vodu z potoka, už som nic nemal. Dobrá bola. Na BK pauzicka na jedlo a kofolu. Ja som chcel pôvodne dat Cerovku, ale Roman bol proti. Tak len rýchlo po Greenbiku a záverom Cerovej dráhy na Železnú studnicku. Suma sumárum, som spokojný, šlo sa mi super. Tiež sa mi pácilo, že bolo treba cakat pod kopcom a aj na kopci. :-D Aj nabudúce.


19/05/2012 All day super výletík with Roman. After Cermak well with Andrej, but somehow you still found excuses to be able to disconnect. : No: The BK pohodicka, I had to pull the other, only to conventions I went to the first position. Skoda destroying plate. :-D The White Andrej automatically digress to bee and we of " not building, we delay & quot ;. :-D The first stop on the Babe. There we went to red, let it change (otherwise we go through Turecák). Bridge in this respect also great, first time tested. OPAC already know it. On Pezinska we had a break for cola and toast. Then went to the roughest part. Red to Cermak. : Devil: connoisseurs (read me:-D) to give a home to climb Cmelok to red. But somehow it did not work to me and I put foot on the ground. But again, I ran, so I put it, although 2 times. Very surprised that I was able to be moved up the hill. Finally, the summit has already & quot, & quot easy ;. Certov climb the hill again, I did not, and steep with loose substrate. While unreal. Congress of Skalnata I enjoyed terrific. or I do not so heavy. Much worse right track. It's probably the fact that I finally have the front casing that holds. The technique I'm much more confident since then. 8) The Cermak therefore Andrej disconnected, we nacapovali water and easy route to the red stone. This was such oraz, mostly forest roads and plane. At the castle we SUPL lunch (expensive and small portions, but what already ...), lubricate the chain and HRR with full abdomen to climb the Zoška. Goo! The moment the stomach hurt. From Zoška start another mountain premium. :-D red on cones. It has been well enough heat, sweat rolled down the hill. Hike with an overview of total fell, just steepest conclusion was heavier for me, I felt that I badly revolves in the saddle. So the saddle. :-D People pacifier, what goes up for a fool. Congress, I wanted to look after the green, yet I did not go that way. Absolutely brilliant downhill! A little Sutra, then tock between fallen trees, and almost drop the meter. Finally, the rapid forest road and asphalt road to the main road. Frills! :-) Well, come 3 tiahlejšie climb. First, under the blue vein (2.5 km), then from the solar Senkarkou (3.5 km) and as a bonus Bear Valley (7.5 km). There has Roman reported that the hills were many. :-D me quite spun feet, although I also felt that it is not just. In 3.2 I had to nab water from a stream, I had nothing. Was good. BK on pauzicka for food and cola. I originally wanted Cerovka data, but Roman was against. So just quickly after GREENBIKE and conclusions Cerová track on the Iron studnicky. All in all, I'm satisfied, I went super. I also liked that it was necessary to wait the hill and also on the hill. :-D next time.





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