20090818 Test Meridy 96

  • 40.5 km


  • 650 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 647 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 627 m

    Max height

  • 153 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

18.8.2009 Dnes som si chcel privstat, reku vezmem to cez Pezinskú babu, ked už mám požicanú ninety. Avšak som zaspal, tak som to musel skrátit. ani Jakub, s ktorým som bol pôvodne dohodnutý, že skúsi, nešiel so mnou... Šiel som klasicky cez Kacín, Malý Slavín, Biely kríž, po cervenej na Tri kamenné kopce (od Somára riadne mokro, muselo tam pekne pršat, lebo zo stromov pri zafúkaní sprchlo) a žltou (brutálne rozjebabraná od lesákov, samozrejme nehorázne blato a kedže som nechcel úplne zašpinit Turbimu Meridku, tak som šiel 7-8km/h, v zjazde, kde sa inác ide min. 30) do Slnecného údolia. Potom kúsok v protismere Greenbiku a singlom do viníc nad PK. No a bol koniec test rájdu... Zhrnutie: pocas sedenia pekne kopíruje terén, v stoji sa zadná stavba takmer vôbec nehýbe, ciže som necítil úbytok výkonu, ked som potreboval akcelerovat alebo vydupnút kopec. Mat prostriedky na taký 10, max. 11-kilový karbónový full (96-tku), možno by som prešiel z HT... Kto vie, naštastie nemusím riešit. :o)


18.8.2009 Today I wanted up early, take it through the river Pezinská girl, when I've already borrowed ninety. But I fell asleep, so I had to be shortened. or James, with whom I was initially agreed that the bite did not go with me ... I went through the classic Kacín, Small Slavin, White Cross, the red stone on three hills (from Somar properly wet, had some nice breasts, because of trees in zafúkaní rained) and yellow (brutally rozjebabraná from LESÁK, of course, outrageous mud and since I did not want to totally dirty turbine Meridku, so I went 7-8 km / h in Congress, where it INAC min. 30) in sunny valley. Then a piece in the opposite GREENBIKE and singles to vineyards over PK. Well, the end of the test Rajd ... Summary: while sitting nicely follows the terrain, standing in the rear building almost does not move, so I felt no loss of power when I needed to accelerate or beat a hill. Have the means for such 10, max. 11-pound carbon fiber full (96-TKU), maybe I transferred from HT ... Who knows, hopefully not have to deal with. : A)





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