20090628 Kacín a Železná studnicka za mierneho daždíka

  • 24.8 km


  • 290 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 285 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 330 m

    Max height

  • 138 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

28.6.2009 Doobeda to vyzeralo tak všelijako, no nakoniec sme sa s Ondrom dohodli na 11:30. Cestou som si dal singlík od Iuventy k teplárni - nebolo blato, no ani sucho. Ciže na cisto les to nebolo vhodné. Tak sme si dali lesnými poza Tesco Lamac na Klanec, kde zacalo jemne pršat. Pred Kacínom sa to zhoršovalo, tak sme to stocili dolu na Železnú studnicku k Rotunde. Už dost pršalo, tak sme sa skryli na trištvrte hodinku na zastávke busu. Dážd neutíchal, no trošku sa zmiernil, tak sme vyrazili. Voda frkala, stalo sa, co som nechcel (blatníky doma v suchu, aspon som ich nezašpinil :o) ). Od Patrónky sa tááák rozpršalo, že po ceste tiekli potoky vody. Stále som však šiel decentne, aby to príliš nefrkalo. No od Iuventy som sa na to vy*ral, nahodil tam 40-ciatku a podho kaluž-nekaluž. Bola to zábava, frrrk sem-frrrk tam. Cítil som sa ako na FEI-ke po hodine telesnej v bazéne. Co už, kolieska aj radenie si odbili svoju "mokrú premiéru". Doma som utrel bike uterákom a servítkami a je ako nový, nádherne umytý. Paráda.


28.06.2009 In the morning it looked like all kinds of ways, but in the end we agreed on with Ondrej 11.30. Along the way I put singlík Iuventa from the heating plant - not mud, but not dry. So on pure forest it was not appropriate. So we had a forest behind Tesco Lamac the Klanec, where he began gently breasts. Before KACIN is getting worse, so we spun down to the Iron studnicky the Rotunda. Enough was raining, so we hid for three quarters of an hour at the bus stop. Rain continues unabated, but little has been relaxed, so we went. Water snort, became what I wanted (dry wings at home, at least I have them away from dirt: o)). The patron sooo started to rain, the road that flowed streams of water. Still I went decently, that's too nefrkalo. But from Iuventa I look at it you fuck up, threw out there and start of 40-podhal pool-nekaluž. It was fun, frrrk here-frrrk there. I felt like the FEI-hour to the body in the pool. What has casters and a shift struck his & quot; premiere wet & quot ;. At home I wiped bike towel and napkins and as a new, beautifully washed. Wow.





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