
  • 23.4 km


  • 908 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 881 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1487 m

    Max height

  • 633 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

Dobrca je gotovo eden od biserov Gorenjske. Izjemen razgled od Julijcev prek Bleda do Kranja in vse do Ljubljane, užitkasto ležanje na "plaži" pod koco, ki je pogosto povezano z mahanjem mimo letecih jadralcev in padalcev in simpaticna gazdarica, ki postreže odlicno hrano so nagrade, ki si jih zaslužiš! Do gor je pa 8 kilometrov vzpona, ki se giblje med normalnimi 8 in navpicnimi 20 in vec procenti. Glede na to da so ta strmi gor in ne dol, je zadeva še nekolko težja. Kakorkoli že, ni mi nerodno priznati, da je bilo treba na par mestih it dol s kolesa in ga porivat ob pešacenju. Sovražim "prijatelje", ki so zagotavljali, da "je Nanos ful hujši in da je Dobrca proti Nanosu cist izi". No, ni tako! Dol grede je malce lažje, te pa pošteno pretrese, saj je makadamska cesta/pot precej groba in "kramparce" ne škodijo.

Dobrca is certainly one of the jewels of Gorenjska. Superb views of the Alps through Bled to Kranj and Ljubljana to all, užitkasto lying on the & quot; beach & quot; under the cottage, which is often associated with waving past the Flying sailors and paragliders and charming proprietress, which serves excellent food as rewards that you deserve! Up Up but it is 8 kilometers of ascent, which varies between normal and 8 vertical 20 and more percents. Given that this steep up and not down makes it even more difficult nekolko. Anyway, I'm not shy to admit that it was necessary to pair it down to the wheels and push the pedestrians. I hate the & quot; friends & quot ;, which ensured that the & quot;'s Application ful worse and that Dobrca against Nanos cysts izi & quot ;. Well, not so! Down the beam is a bit easier, this is a fair shake, because the dirt road / trail quite rough and & quot; kramparce & quot; no harm.




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