20090621 1 Mtb Devínska kobyla 54

  • 19.5 km


  • 344 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 352 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 400 m

    Max height

  • 190 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

21.6.2009 Po vcerajšom upršanom dni som skocil opácit terén, lebo cesta "fuj". Kupodivu bolo takmer sucho, ciže som si dal rýchlych necelých 20km. Dal som si takmer samé single a cesticky, na ktorých je obtiažnejšie udržat "nad 20-kovú" priemerku, proste žiadne široké a rovné lesné cesty. Dal som si aj 3x mikro okruh (od križovatky žltej s cervenou nad SALES-om po cervenej k 1. studnicke, tam vlavo smer kobyla, potom po trase tréningu spat na rázcestie a opät to isté). Len nejaký kokosák znova porozhadzoval tolko papekov všade... Nemal som chut to cistit, dalo sa to naštastie obíst a neboli až tak nebezpecné. A tých bežcov, psíckarov...


21.6.2009 After yesterday's rainy day I jumped Otherwise terrain, they stay & quot, & quot ugh ;. Oddly enough, it was almost dry, so I put fast less than 20 km. I almost gave themselves a single batter, which is difficult to maintain & quot; over 20 metals & quot; caliper, just not wide and flat forest roads. I put a 3x micro circuit (from the intersection with the red over yellow SALES-om the red for the first STUDNICKY, there on the left toward mare, then the training route back to the crossroads and again the same thing). Just some kokosák again porozhadzoval so much Papek everywhere ... I did not taste it clean, it could be circumvented and fortunately were not so dangerous. And those runners, dog person ...





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