20090414 Mtb Devínska kobyla 48

  • 20.5 km


  • 411 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 422 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 500 m

    Max height

  • 194 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

14.4.2009 Dal som si len tak jemne, lebo mi poriadne nevytrávilo z obeda (jedol som 15.00, bol som na brigáde). Zo zaciatku som myslel, že budem musiet utekat domov na záchod, no ustálilo sa to naštastie. Stretol som Jakuba, ked sa vracal domov a ked som sa zase ja vracal, tak na Pasienku som stretol Bike team (destík, Tomáš,...) a IErNiKKa.


14.4.2009 I put just fine, because I really nevytrávilo from lunch (I ate 15.00, I was the brigade). At first I thought that I would have home by fleeing to the bathroom, but fortunately it is stabilized. I met James when he returned home, and when I returned I was again, so I met the Pasienku Bike team (destík, Thomas, ...) and IErNiKKa.





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