20090322 Cez Devínsku kobylu do Dúbravky a po asfalte cez Peknú cestu, Biely ...

  • 56.1 km


  • 839 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 848 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 553 m

    Max height

  • 179 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

22.3.2009 Dnes Jakub nechcel íst na tréningový okruh, tak som musel íst s ním na asfalt. Ach... Presadil som si naštastie aj trošku terénu, no bolo blato. Na BK sme stretli o.i. aj Ondra, ktorý šiel kúsok s nami (po Slivu). Za Velkým Javorníkom na rázcestí Salaš bolo smerom dolu (dolava) na Košarisko dost snehu, resp. lad. No fuj! Smerom na Sv. Jur to bolo suché. Inác všade v lese bolo ešte tolko snehu, že až. Z tohto pohladu vidím svoju úcast na Svätojurskom maratóne na nejakých 6%. Dovi dopo... Pri Tescu Lamac sme navštívili wapku, lebo sme boli teda riadne za*ebaní.


22.3.2009 Today Jakub did not want to go to circuit training, so I had to go with him to the asphalt. Oh ... I assert Fortunately a little ground, but it was mud. We met at BK i.a. and Ondra, who went a bit with us (after Sliva). For big Javornik at a crossroads Salas was down (to the left) to Košarisko enough snow, respectively. lad. No yuck! Towards the Sv. Jur it was dry. INAC everywhere in the forest was still so much snow that up. From this perspective, I see my participation in the marathon Svätojurskí some 6%. Dovi recom ... When we visited Tesco Lamac WAP site because we were therefore properly for f * cking.





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