Anterselva - Antholzer see

  • 45.2 km


  • 934 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 950 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1957 m

    Max height

  • 1011 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

Štartal sem iz simpaticnega kempa v Anterselvi (Rasun, Antholz), nekam med hribe, nekam kjer se odvijajo poznane tekaške in biatlonske tekme svetovnega pokala. Cela regija je simpaticna, imena krajev se izmenjujejo s koncnicami "di Sopra", "di Sotto", "di Mezzo". In z Anterselvo je enako, spodaj je di Sopra, v sredini je di Sotto in zgoraj je di Mezzo. Moje znanje jezika mi onemogoca prevode, ampak nekako se mi je zdelo, da bi "di Mezzo" moral biti nekje v sredini ... no Anterselva di Mezzo je zgoraj, 12 kilometrov od izhodišcne in 200 metrov višje. Dobrih 10 kilometrov se pelješ po desni strani doline, ne po glavni cesti. Prijetno ogrevanje z nekaj zelo dobrega makadama. Potem se preseliš na glavno cesto, ki sicer ni (bila) zelo prometna, pride pa mimo tudi kak avtobus ... Cesta je široka in precej strma. Predvsem pogled naprej vara. Sploh se ne zdi, da bi lahko bilo strmo, ker je tako široko. Pa je kar precej. V šestih kilometrih se dvigneš za skoraj 400 metrov. V povprecju torej slaba sedmica. Po nekaj vec kot 18 kilometrih se ti odpre pogled na lepo gorsko jezero ob katerem se pelješ kak kilometer. Tu se glavna in široka cesta konca in preseneti te semafor "sredi nicesar". Od tu naprej je cesta enosmerna. Ozek asfaltiran trak gre nekam v gore ... Ce si kondicijsko dober, lahko ujameš dvojno tisocico. Casa imaš pol ure. Za 4 kilometre in 400 višinskih metrov. Kot je razvidno iz zemljevida, meni ni uspelo. Pet ovinkov pred koncem so me napadla nasproti vozeca vozila. Res je ozko in res ne gre naprej, brez da bi pocakal 10, 15 minut, da se semafor zgoraj zopet prižge na rdece. Žal se je vreme kisalo, obetal je dež ali celo sneg (kljub juliju!), tako da sem se obrnil brez "trofeje". Ja, spust je pa fajn, leti tja do kakšnih 65 na uro (z gorcem). Fino. Traso umaknem, ko jo kdo nadomesti s celo izvedbo ... tja na ono stran meje, kjer je po zemeljevidu sodec še eno lepo jezero. Krasen konec za kolesarjenje je tale del okrog Kronplaca!

I started from the camp of the sympathetic in Anterselva (Rasun, Antholz), somewhere between the hills somewhere where the place known cross-country and biathlon World Cup. The whole region is charming, names of places are exchanged with extensions & quot; di Sopra & quot ;, & quot; di Sotto & quot ;, & quot; di Mezzo & quot ;. And Anterselvo the same, below is a di Sopra, in the middle of the di Sotto and above the di Mezzo. My knowledge of the language prevents me translations, but somehow it seemed to me that the & quot; di Mezzo & quot; should be somewhere in the middle ... no Anterselva di Mezzo is above 12 kilometers from baseline and 200 meters higher. More than 10 kilometers to ride on the right side of the valley, not on the main road. Pleasant heat with some very good unpaved. Then you move onto the main road, which is not (was) very busy, there is also the fact that some bus ... The road is wide and quite steep. In particular, look forward deceiving. They do not seem to be a steep because it is so wide. It is quite a bit. In six kilometers to rise to almost 400 meters. On average, therefore, poor Seven. After a few more than 18 kilometers, you open a view of the beautiful mountain lake on which to ride a mile. Here is the main road end and wide and surprised by this semaphore & quot; & quot middle of nowhere ;. From here the road is one-way. The narrow asphalt strip goes somewhere in the mountains ... If you're a good physical condition, you can catch a double tisocico. Casa've got half an hour. 4 miles and 400 vertical meters. As can be seen from the map, the menu is not managed. Five turns before the end I was attacked by oncoming vehicles. It really is narrow and does not really go on without having to wait 10, 15 minutes to the traffic light above again at red lights. Unfortunately, the weather kisalo, promising rain or even snow (despite July!), So I turned around without the & quot; trophies & quot ;. Yeah, it's nice descent, flying up to about 65 per hour (with Gorce). Fino. The course will withdraw when she gets replaced by even execution ... there on the other side of the border, where the zemeljevidu judging another beautiful lake. Gorgeous end cycling is this part about Kronplaca!




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