20090125 Pozdlž Moravy do Záhorskej Vsi a spät

  • 78 km


  • 111 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 129 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 228 m

    Max height

  • 135 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

25.1.2009 Jakub sa dnes naštastie nechal presvedcit, teda viac-menej s tým prišiel on, na dlhšiu štreku (dlhšiu v rámci zaciatku sezóny). Preto že hlásili vcelku silný S vietor, naplánovali sme cestu s ohladom nan, tj. tam proti a spät po vetre. Šli sme po ceste do Devína a po cyklotrase pozdlž Moravy do Záhorskej Vsi. Cestou som si aj skoro polakal, ked som sledoval na blatových úsekoch priemerku: 29, 28.9, 28.8, 28.7,..., 28.3. No do riti! :o) Dokonca sa mi ano nezdal byt protivietor, dost dobre sa mi šlapalo. Dnešok bol taktiež pre mna prelomovým, lebo som zacal po vyše 2 rokoch jazdenia na mojej Meride používat prevod 3-6 (44-21), predtým som jazdil najlahší na velkej píle 3-7 (44-24). Aha, ešte tolko, že ked som prišiel domov a zosadol z biku "auuu". Okrem bolavého lýtka zo vcera sa prihásili aj obe stehná z dneška. Ale po chvílke to prešlo. Uvidíme, co sa pridá zajtra...


25.1.2009 Jakub today fortunately persuaded, more or less with that came on, the longer douches (longer within the season). Therefore, the reported quite strong S winds, we planned a trip with respect nan, ie. there and back against the wind. We walked along the road to Devin and cycle route along the Morava to Zahorska Ves. Along the way I also almost Polak, when I watched the muddy sections caliper: 29, 28.9, 28.8, 28.7, ..., 28.3. Holy shit! : O) Even so, I seem to be a headwind, well enough I walked on. Today was also a turning point for me, because I started after more than 2 years of riding on my Meride use transfer 3-6 (44-21), before I rode lightest saw the big 3-7 (44-24). Oh, not so much that when I came home and got off the bike is & quot; auuu & quot ;. In addition to sore calves from yesterday prihásili and both legs of today. But after a while it passed. Let's see what is added tomorrow ...





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