20090524 Pohorím Leithagebirge na Kaiserreiche

  • 125.6 km


  • 777 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 785 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 438 m

    Max height

  • 135 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


24.5.2009 Na dnes bol v pláne celodenný cyklovýlet, konecne po dlhej dobe. Dohodol som sa s Jurom, ktorý dokonca nemal žiadnu výhovorku a šiel. No zaspal, co posunulo odchod o 45min. z už tak neskorej 9.h. Co už. Trasa mala viest do Brucku, potom hrebenovka cez Leithagebirge (Scharfeneck, Kaiserreiche, Buchkoegel), dolu do Loretta a pozdlž Leithy a cez Hoeflein spät domov. No Juro bol nejaký "rozbitý", tak nevládal. Do Hainburgu sme došli pozdlž Dunaja, potom cyklotrasou cez Bad-Deutsch Altenburg do Petronell-Carnuntum. Odtial sme šli polnými cestami do Brucku an der Leitha, cestou z dlažobných kociek cez TUPL do Kaisersteinbruchu. Tam sme vošli do lesa a mojou cestou sme došli ku kláštoru sv. Anny, vyšliapli si k zrúcanine hradu Scharfeneck (Juro nemal chut íst na nu, ja som tam bol nedávno) a po hrebeni k rozhladni Kaiserreiche. Výhlad nebol nic moc, bolo vidno klasicky Neusiedl See, Vieden a trošku Wienerwald, matne Alpy.Tu sme to otocili, no museli sme zbehnút dolu z pohoria do Mannersdorfu, lebo Jurovi došlo pitie a tam majú benzínku. Aby sme nemuseli íst po asfalte, tak sme šli opät polnackami do Brucku, prešli sme aj cez "Panzer Koridor", kde sme naštastie nestretli žiadnych príslušníkov BH. Pred Hainburgom som mal dost už aj ja, zadok bolel, krk trošku tiež (prejavili sa negatíva negatívne otoceného predstavca) a ruksak na chrbte ma štval až až. Doma som potom vyžral chladnicku.


24.5.2009 The plan today was an all-day bike trip, finally after a long time. I agreed with Jur, who even had no excuse and went. Well asleep, which brought about the departure of 45min. from already late 9.h. What already. The route should lead to Bruck, then over the ridge Leithagebirge (Scharfeneck, Kaiserreich, Buchkoegel), down to Loretta and along Leith and over Hoeflein back home. No Juro was some & quot, & quot ;, broken and non-governmental. Hainburg we came along the Danube, then cycling route through Bad Deutsch-Altenburg to Petronell-Carnuntum. From there we went back road to Bruck an der Leitha, way of paving stone through a tuple into Kaisersteinbruch. There we entered the forest and I travel we came to the monastery of St.. Anna, you vyšliapli the ruins Scharfeneck (Juro not taste go at her, I was there recently) and along the ridge to the lookout Kaiserreich. Outlook was not good, was seen classically Neusiedl See, Vienna and little Wienerwald, matt Alpy.Tu we turned around, but we had deserters down from the mountains to Mannersdorf because Jurová been drinking and they have a gas station. So we do not go after the asphalt, so we went again to polnackami Bruck, we went through the & quot; Panzer Corridor & quot ;, where we fortunately met any of BH. Hainburg before I had enough already and I, butt hurt, neck a little too (expressed negatively negative turning the stem) and a backpack on his back and chased me up. At home I then matured refrigerator.




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