20090517 Mtb Devínska kobyla 51

  • 17.5 km


  • 354 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 351 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 491 m

    Max height

  • 195 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


17.5.2009 Dnes som zabil takmer celý den rodinnou oslavou, ešte k tomu som dostal pokutu od "Polizei", bo som nebol pripútaný. Najprv že "funf und drajcich ojro". Boha! Nakoniec to bolo len za polovicu. Potom sme už len jedli a sedeli, nuda. Doma som bol o 18.30, na biku som sedel kúsok po 19.00. Hned za domom som cítil stuhnuté nohy, ale najmä akési pálenie v pravom stehne. Au. Naštastie si nejako zvyklo telo na zátaž a už som to nevnímal :o) Vyšlapol som si len klasicky na vrchol Devínskej kobyly (priemerka 17,8 km/h) a spät domov. Taká rýchlovka.


17.5.2009 Today I killed almost all day family celebration, yet it I received a fine of & quot; Polizei & quot ;, bo I was not chained. First, the & quot; funf und drajcich ojro & quot ;. God! Finally, it was only half. Then we just sat and ate, boring. I was home at 18:30, I sat on the bike is a bit after 19:00. Immediately behind the house, I felt stiff legs, but especially a kind of burning in right thigh. Au. Fortunately you somehow get used to the body burden and I did not perceive it: o) I'll just hike to the top of classic Devínská mares (caliper 17.8 km / h) and back home. Such a quickie.




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