20090508 Rakúsky tréning 5

  • 52.5 km


  • 843 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 836 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 441 m

    Max height

  • 138 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


8.5.2009 Konecne po dlhej dobe tréning. Konkrétne po 3. týždnoch. Bolo to cítit, nôžky nešli tak, ako by mali. No aj tak to bolo ovela lepšie, ako zaciatkom sezóny, ked sme jazdili túto trasu. Škoda tolkého asfaltu, no za to co príde potom, to stojí. Najkrajšiu a najtažšiu cast som si dal 2x. Výšlap po kamenistej ceste pekne 2-3 s rezervou, nabudúce bude 2-4, potom 2-5. Schlossberg ani Braunsberg som si nedal, lebo už bol pokrocilejší cas a vyliezali rakúski dôchodci a slovenskí výletníci. A bolo by husto. Na záver konštatujem, že som si konecne užil super tréning. Jo, ešte toto. Na najvyššom bode, odkial sa už len klesá (po nárocnejšom výšlape), som mal v 1. kole priemerku 22km/h, v 2. už len 20km/h. Ale pod 20 som naštastie nemal. Predtým sme mávali už v 1. kole na vrchole nejakých 18, max. 19.


05.08.2009 Finally after a long time training. Specifically, at week 3. It was felt paws did not go as they should. Even so, it was much better than the beginning of the season, when we rode this route. Tolk asphalt damage, but for what comes after is worth it. Most beautiful and most difficult part I put 2. Hike the rocky road nicely with 2-3 margin, next time will be 2-4, then 2-5. Schlossberg not Braunsberg I did not because it was more advanced time and climbed Austrian pensioners and Slovak trippers. And it would be dense. Finally, I note that I finally enjoyed a great workout. Yeah, even this. At the highest point, from where it just drops (after demanding hike), I had in round 1 caliper 22 km / h, the second only 20 km / h. But the 20 Fortunately, I did not. Previously, we used to have it in the first round at the top of some 18, max. 19th




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