20090411 Prejazd trasy Svätojurského maratónu

  • 100.2 km


  • 2152 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 2155 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 595 m

    Max height

  • 144 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


11.4.2009 Dnes bol "oficiálny" prejazd trate Svätojurského maratónu, ktorý bude presne o týžden. Miesto stretnutia bolo, ako inác, na štarte vo Svätom Jure. Tam som šiel cez Devínsku kobylu, Kacín, Malý Slavín, Biely kríž a Biely Kamen. Samozrejme lesom, len nevyhnutné presuny medzi pohoriami tvoril asfalt. Na námestí v Jure nikto nebol, ked som dorazil (9:55), no kúsok po 10. sa prihrnuli bikeri a bikerky. Spolu nás bolo 16 (z toho 2 bikerky). Asi 10km od štartu sa odpojila 4-clenná skupinka, lebo jedna z nich nestíhala (a to sme sa plahocili hodinu skoro). Dalej sme teda pokracovali 12-ti. Na Bielom kríži sme si dali pauzicku, ja som si dal dvojité párky a pobrali sme sa dokoncit trasu. No už sme šli len 6-ti, lebo 3-ja ostali na BK a zvyšní 3-ja šli domov. Z Jura som šiel na BK ešte s Durym, ktorý si chcel ešte pojazdit, hihi. Tam sme stretli "oných" 3. Stále tam ocumovali baby a slnili sa. Posedeli sme opät, no a po case sme sa vybrali domov. Dury do Jura, tí 3-ja po asfaltke smer Železná, no a ja som šiel lesom domov. Na Dlhých Dieloch som si ešte pridal 1 stojku, lebo kilometráž vychádzala tesne pod 100. Musel som mierne pridat. No a doma mi vyskocilo rovných 100km. Poteší. Super den, skvelá partia, trat detto. Jo, nieco ku trase. Zaciatocné stúpanie je podla mna lepšie, prvých pár km po asfalte síce nuda, no akonáhle sa vojde do lesa, zacne to byt trošku technickejšie (kamene a tak), ciže tam sa to zacne triedit aj na základe techniky, nie len podla dovednosti šlapat kruh. Celá trasa je nádherne suchá (až na 2 miesta na cervenej pred BK, ktoré sa dajú preskákat/obíst/prejst na biku a pochopitelne okrem zopár brodov), lesné cesty sú zväcša rozbité so stvrdnutými kolajmi od techniky, ciže pekná drncacka, halúziek a konárov je tam tiež dostatok (aj ked to cistili). Celkovo je trat z môjho pohladu vhodnejšia pre full, lebo je velmi málo pasáží, kde má HT navrch. Sprosté šutre v zjazdoch. ;o) A aby som nezabudol, Jezus prešiel trasu na cestáku, Favorite. Došiel síce len po BK, no aj tak. Dalej nešiel, lebo ako povedal, nemá prevody na takéto kopce. AM.EN sa môže schovat.


11.4.2009 Today was & quot; official & quot; crossing tracks Svätojurskí marathon, which will be exactly a week. Meeting place was, you guessed it, at the start of Jur. There I went through Devinska mare, Kacín, Small Slavin, White Cross and white stones. Of course trees is only necessary transfers between the mountains formed asphalt. On the square in Jure no one when I arrived (9:55), but a piece of rolled up after 10 bikers and bikers. Together we were 16 (of which 2 bikers). About 10km from the start of the detached 4-member group, because one of them nestíhala (and we trudged hour early). So we continued further 12-. White cross on we had pauzicku, I have put a double sausage and we took to complete the route. No longer we went just 6-because-I remained 3 to BK and the remaining 3-I went home. Of Jura I went to BK even with Durym who wanted more roadworthy, hihi. There we met & quot; that £ & quot; 3 Still there ocumovali baby and the slnili. We Posedeli again, but after a time we went home. Dury in Jura, those 3-ja on the asphalt road direction Iron, no and I went home through the woods. On long Dieloch I even added 1 handstand, because Mileage based on just under 100 I had to add slightly. And at home I jumped straight 100km. Please. Great day, great bunch, track ditto. Yeah, something the route. Initial climb I think is better, the first few miles on asphalt, although boring, but once you fit into the forest starts to be a bit more technical (stone and so), that's where it starts to sort on the basis of technology, not just skills-pedaling circle . The entire route is beautifully dry (up to 2 points on the red before BK that can jump over / bypass / biking to pass on a few fords except, of course), forest roads are mostly of hardened with a broken rail between technology, or a nice drncacka, halúziek and branches there is also enough (although not clear your). Overall, the track is in my view preferable to the full, because there are very few passages where HT has the upper hand. Dirty Sutra in downhill. O) And before I forget, Jezus route passed the bagman, Favorite. Although only came after BK, but still. Did not go further because, as he said, no transfers of such hills. AM.EN can hide.




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