Nanos iz Vipave

  • 43.5 km


  • 1174 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1162 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1258 m

    Max height

  • 114 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


Trg v Vipavi je primeren za parkiranje in cesta do Podnanosa prijetna za ogrevanje. 7 kilometrov ravnine za naslednjih 14 vzpona. Nanos sam je razdeljen na dva dela. Prvi, tja nekje do 800 metrov, je prijetno asfaltirano vzpenjanje, z lepimi razgledi po Vipavski dolini in proti zahodu kipecim kraškim gricem. Drugi del je makadamski. Grob, strm in naporen. Parkrat je bilo treba, tudi zaradi grobosti kolovoza, sestopiti s kolesa in eno malenkost popešaciti. Sicer je del najvecjih klancev betoniran, tako da je nekoliko lažje. V drugem delu je tudi presentljivo (zame vsaj), da pot ni razgledna. Od spodaj je videti, kot da je pobocje Nanosa "gladko", pa ni. Precej casa se pelješ nekako znotraj Nanosa in gledaš bolj kot ne gmote spredaj, zadaj, levo in desno. Samo opozorilo tujcem (aja, saj ne razumejo...), ko piha, piha ko strela. Prijatelja je, nekje na treh cetrtinah, skupaj s kolegi, veter dobesedno pometal po tleh. Skupaj z bicikli. Sicer je ob povprecni kondiciji do vrha dobri dve uri in cetrt. Pot pripelje do doma. Imajo za jest in za pit.

Market in Vipavi is suitable for parking and the road to Podnanos nice for heating. 7 kilometers plane for the next 14 ascent. Application itself is divided into two parts. The first, somewhere back up to 800 meters, has a pleasant paved climb, with beautiful views of the valley and Vipavski west figuring karst hills. The second part of the gravel. Rough, steep and strenuous. A couple of times, it was necessary, due to the rough dirt track, hands off the wheel and one slightly popešaciti. While it is part of a larger slopes from concrete, so it's a bit easier. The second part is also surprisingly (for me at least) that the path is not viewing. From below it looks like it's slope Nanos & quot; smooth & quot ;, is not. Much time ride inside something the Nanos and looking more like a no lumps front, rear, left and right. Just a reminder to foreigners (aja, because they do not understand ...) when it blows, blows when shot. Friend is somewhere in the three-quarters, together with colleagues, the wind literally swept the floor. Along with the bicycles. Otherwise, the average shape of the peak two hours and a quarter. The path leads to the house. They have to eat and to drink.



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