Kobarid - planina Razor - Kobarid

  • 70.6 km


  • 1389 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1400 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1317 m

    Max height

  • 183 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


Pot iz Kobarida do Tolmina je prijetna za ogrevanje. Takoj za Kobaridom se je vredno ustaviti na mostu cez Soco in vreci pogled na turkizno reko. Za Tolminom se zacne. Najprej zložen vzpon Proti Žabcam, pa spust proti gorski hidroelektrarni, ki te preseneti v globeli, potem pa ponoven hujši vzpon proti kraju Tolminske Ravne. Ta na 900 metrih ležeca vasica je tudi na koncu asfaltne ceste. Od tu naprej greš na kolovoz. Pogled na planino pred tabo ti pove, da bo najbrž strmo. In je strmo in kolovozno. Sicer nekoc utrjena cesta je postala kolovozna pot z mnogimi preprekami. S kolegom sva kar precej poti prepešacila ob porivanju koles. A je vredno. Pod vrhom vstopiš v gorski svet. Rastja je vedno manj, travniki in gorsko cvetje te prevzamejo. Dom na planini Razor je oskrbovan.Hrana planinska in okusna. Baje so okoliški pogledi cudoviti. Midva jih zaradi megle nisva bila deležna, a bova pot ponovila. Sledi krasen spust, kakšnih 20 km in 1.300 višinskih metrov. Razen na vrhu ves cas asfalt. Fino. Vse do Poljubina. Od tam do Tolmina in po isti poti v Kobarid. Kul


The path from Kobarid to Tolmin is nice for heating. Immediately after Kobarid is worth stopping on the bridge over Soco and steal the turquoise river. For Tolminom starts. First ascent in Against Žabcam, but the descent towards the mountain hydroelectric power plant, which surprised those in the ravine, and then re-aggravated ascent to the place Tolminske Straight. This 900 meter-altitude village is at the end of the paved road. From here you go to the dirt track. View of the mountain in front of you tells you that it will probably sharply. And it is a steep and kolovozno. Otherwise, once hardened road has become a cart path with many obstacles. With colleagues, we walked quite a path at porivanju wheels. But it is worth it. Below the peak enter the mountains. Vegetation is still less, meadows and mountain flowers that bear. Home on the mountain Razor is oskrbovan.Hrana mountain and tasty. Apparently the wonderful surrounding views. We are due to fog we receive, but we're way again. Followed by a great descent, about 20 miles and 1,300 vertical meters. Except at the top of the asphalt all the time. Fino. All the Poljubina. From there to Tolmin and Kobarid in the same path. Cool




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