20090207 Do PK, cez Šenkvice a Senec spät do BA

  • 95.2 km


  • 245 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 210 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 207 m

    Max height

  • 125 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


7.2.2009 Dnešný den zacal "velice zajímavo". Budícek 7.20, spravil som si cajík, dal zohrievat párocky a zatial reku kuknem sa na hlavové, lebo už pár dní mi to drie (najmä doprava sa skoro nedá otocit rajdami, dokonca obcas to zacne tahat do jednej alebo druhej strany). Kedže som biker bez montážneho stojanu, rajdy šli na stolicku, vidlu som oprel o rebrík postele, bike som držal v jednej ruke (kua, preco je taký tažký...neskôr som ho hodil na môj home made stojan, tj. stolicku zakrytú igelitom) a druhou som šmátral v oblasti hlavka. Nikdy predtým som to nemal rozobraté, takže som ani netušil, co na mna vyskocí. Aže aj vyskocilo, ci skôr vypadlo :o) Ako som postupne vytahoval vidlu, vypadávali gulicky zo spodného ložiska. 1, 2, 3, 4,..., 15. Nejako málo, nie? Bodaj by nie, z ostatných bola kolomaž. ?Uplne rozdrvené. Tak som to vycistil a zacal si zhánat náhradný program namiesto bikovacky, toto som necakal. V tom ma osvietil Aštar Šeran a hned som skocil do kúta izby po starú závitovú RST 260 Team edition. Naštastie tam bolo mnou potrebované loýisko, šup s ním do hlavovej trubky, rýchlo poskladat bike, najest sa a mohol som íst. O 10.00 som už sedel na biku. Skocil som za Patom do PK, odtial sme si dali kolecko cez Šenkvice, Senec (parádny protivietor), okolo Seneckých jazier, Bernolákova a cez Vajnory na zaciatok, resp. koniec Race. Tu sme sa rozdelili, ja som nadhodil "tebe sa teraz pôjde, máš to po vetre" a Pato na to "ty to máš zase cez mesto, pohoda". Uj, jak by som mu krk vykrútil! ;o) Priemerka 22, miestami ledva 20 som tahal, smädný viac ako bezhrbá tava, no Aláh bol milosrdný a od nábrežia som mohol íst 30, nebol protivietor. Ale dobre bolo.


7.2.2009 This day started & quot; very interesting & quot ;. The alarm 7:20, did I cajik gave párocky open flame, and while the river kuknem the head, because I have a few days to drie (especially transport is almost not turn Rajd, even sometimes it starts to pull to one side or the other). Since I biker without mounting stand, rajdy went on stools, forks I leaned on the bed ladder, bike I held in one hand (kua, why is so hard ... then I threw it on my home made stand, ie. Stool covered with polythene ) and the second I fumbled in the head. I've never had it dismantled, so I had no idea what pops up on me. Aze also jumped, or rather fell: o) As I gradually pulling forks, gulicky fell out of the bottom bearing. 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 15 Somehow little, no? I wish not, the other was KOLOMAŽ. ? Wholly milled. So I cleaned up and started a replacement program in place Zhan bikovacky, I did not expect this. Then enlighten me Ashtar Sheran and I immediately jumped into a corner room after the old screw RST 260 Team edition. Fortunately there was me loýisko needed, chop him into the head tube, quickly folded the bike, eat and I could go. About 10:00 I have sat on biking. I jumped for Pat to PK, from there we took over the wheel Chorvátska Senec (parádny headwind), Senecke around lakes and through Bernolákova Vajnory the beginning, respectively. the end of the Race. Here we split up, I suggested & quot; Now you go, you got it downwind & quot; and Pato to & quot; You have to turn over the city, comfort & quot ;. Uj, as he'd curled his neck! O) caliper 22, sometimes 20 I barely pulled, thirsty more than bezhrbá tava, but Allah the merciful and the waterfront I could go 30, was a headwind. But it was good.




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