20090124 Okolo Hainburger Bergu 1

  • 45.1 km


  • 202 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 195 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 272 m

    Max height

  • 142 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


24.1.2009 Po dlhom case prestalo pršat, vcelku aj cesty vyschli, tak som vytiahol tátoša. Chcel som íst do Viedne a spät, avšak silný protivietor ma presvedcil, že 50km íst proti nemu, nebude to pravé orechové. Tak som si konecne dal okruh okolo Hainburger Bergu. Proti vetru to bolo len 20km ;o) Medzi Bad-Deutsch Altenburg a Prellenkirchen boli nádherne vidiet zasnežené Alpy. Pekne som videl celý Schneeberg, Sonnwendstein a tuším aj Stuhleck. Že som ja nemal foták... :o( Tiež ma mrzí priemerka, keby som nemal nefunkcný lock, urcite by s prehladom padla 30-tka. V pondelok však objednávam, potom bude bratranec!


24.1.2009 After a long time stopped raining, all the roads dried up, so I pulled steed. I wanted to go to Vienna and back, but a strong headwind convinced me that the 50 kilometers to go against him, not so good. So I finally gave circle around Hainburger Berg. Against the wind it was only 20 km o) Between Bad Deutsch-Altenburg and Prellenkirchen were so beautiful to see the snowy Alps. Nicely I saw the whole Schneeberg, Sonnwendstein and I think the Stuhleck. That I am not camera ...: o (I am also sorry caliper, if I did not lock inoperative, we could with an overview fell 30 Units. On Monday, however, ordering, then the cousin!




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