20090105 Mtb Devínska kobyla 38

  • 19.9 km


  • 403 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 398 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 378 m

    Max height

  • 186 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


5.1.2009 Dnes sme si s Jakubom dali len krátky výjazd po kobyle, lebo snežilo. Nechcelo sa nám íst viac. Ale bolo velmi pekne. Na cestickách bol cerstvý sneh, na viacerých sme boli prvými, ktorí tade išli, stále do toho snežilo, stretli sme skupinku cca 8 diviakov (prešli 50-70m pred nami cez cestu) a 2 srny (kúsok od nás boli, myslel som, že sú to psy). Mierne sa aj šmýkalo, podarilo sa mi zažit jeden menší a jeden väcší, avšak oba skoncili k mojej plnej spokojnosti. Teraz mi kvapká voda z biku v izbe...


5.1.2009 Today we have with James gave only a short trip to the mare because it snowed. I did not want us to read more. But it was very nice. On the batter was fresh snow, the more we were the first to go that way, still do it snowed, we met a group of about 8 boars (50 to 70 meters in front of us went across the road) and two deer (a piece of us were, I thought they are dogs). Also slipped slightly, I managed to become used one smaller and one larger, but both ended up to my full satisfaction. Now my bike is water dripping from the room ...




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