20090104 1 Cez Devínsku kobylu na Kacín a po trase 1. zimného mratónu

  • 51.1 km


  • 902 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 916 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 450 m

    Max height

  • 186 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


4.1.2009 Dnes sme sa s Jakubom rozhodli, že si prejdeme trasu 1. zimného maratónu na Slovensku (Giant stupavský maratón). Nebolo síce tak pekne ako vcera, bolo zatiahnuté, 2-krát snežilo (od Sparísk niekde ku Kacínu a potom od Dúbravky až domov), no teploty podobné (doma ráno -6°C, potom asi -4°C). Trasa je podla mojich subjektívnych pocitov velmi pomalá (zamrznuté vyjazdené kolaje, stuhnutý sneh s hrbolmi, lad, málo miest na dupanie - hold som sracka) a dost nebezpecná v tomto období. Treba si dávat pozor na skrytý lad, o ktorý nie je núdza, rovnako nedoporucujem velmi menit stopu, lebo okraje žlabov sú pod snehom zamrznuté a dost tvrdé. Nechcem vidiet tie úrazy, ked to na preteku niekto preženie. Nedali sme si však zjazd ani výšlap do/z Marianky, lebo sa nám tam nechcelo, na co? Po absolvovaní som sa ešte viac utvrdil v tom, že štartovat nebudem. Je to iba nicenie výpletu, drgálanie sa a ešte ako bonus hrozí pád (nie že by som padol dnes, ale hrozba tu je vždy).


4.1.2009 Today we have with James decided that you go through the first winter marathon route in Slovakia (Giant Stupavský marathon). It was not quite as nice as yesterday was cloudy, snowed 2 times (from Sparísk somewhere to Kaci and then by Dubravka to home), but similar temperature (-6 home in the morning-degree C, then about -4-degree C). The route is according to my subjective feelings very slow (frozen ruts, bumps with stiff snow, ice, stomping on a few places - I hold sracka) and quite dangerous at this time. It is necessary to watch out for hidden ice, on which there is no shortage, just highly NOT recommended to change the track because the edges of the gutters are covered with snow and frozen hard enough. I do not want to see those accidents when on someone drives a race. We did not, however, even downhill hike to / from Marianka, because they did not want us there, for what? After graduating, I was even more stablished that will not be started. It's just The destruction String, drgálanie is still a bonus it may fall (not that I fell today, but the threat is always there).




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